Catholic Identity

Mercy Prayer

We pray for the Sisters of Mercy, who established our school and for the priests who have served at St. Mary’s.  

It is through their vision,  determination and strong faith that we enjoy the benefits of a Catholic Education here in Mooroopna.

We are proud to be a Mercy School, where the values of love and justice are taught and lived every day.

Term 1 Week 6 - Catholic Identity Newsletter


New news!

St. Mary’s Sunday Mass Invitation!

We welcome all families, especially the families of students preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation in 2023, to Mass each weekend!

Our Parish Mass times are:

Saturdays at 6.30pm.

Sundays at 10am.


Thank you to those families who celebrated Mass with us last Sunday! We hope to see you again, and more families, on Sunday, 26th March!



New news!

The Church season of Lent.

In today’s newsletter, you will find an article written by Jim Quillinan entitled, “Ash Wednesday.” Even though this special day was a few weeks ago, the article is worth reading and explains the significance of the ashes in our lives today. Jim speaks about Lent as a time of “sitting in the ashes.”

“Sitting in the ashes can also be a time to take stock of where we are going as a community, what sort of culture we want to create, what sort of priorities are important to us, what or who are the main influences on our lives. Have we become like this crowd in Jerusalem, choosing one way, then heading off in a new direction because that’s where the mob is heading?”



New news!

Australian Catholics Magazine - School Edition: Autumn.

The “Australian Catholics” magazine is 

distributed to all school families four times a 

year, and the Autumn edition has some 

interesting articles to read and discuss! 

Even the front cover, “Touring the world of 

Jesus!” is a great visual, and the accompanying 

article on pages 7 - 9 explains the lands of 

Jesus in a fun way! The “Biblical Careers Guide” 

article is also a good read!!



New news!

Feast of St. Patrick

Students are invited to wear something green 

to celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick on Friday, 17th March. 

St. Patrick of Ireland is one of the world's most popular saints.

He often used shamrocks to explain the Holy Trinity - 

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.



News reminder!

Project Compassion.

Caritas is a Catholic agency that works with communities all over the world to help them achieve their development goals and build a better future for all community members. 

The saying, “Give a person a fish and they eat for a day - teach a person to fish and they eat for a lifetime” sums up the philosophy of Caritas.

Each year, Catholic schools in the Sandhurst Diocese support the work of Caritas through Project Compassion. 

So far, we have raised $363.90 for Project Compassion!

Project Compassion boxes can be returned to the school office when filled or before the end of term.


Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.

We have had a number of inquiries regarding the baptism of children at St. Mary’s. 

Please see the communication below from Mons. Peter Jeffrey regarding the baptism of children



 Altar Servers

There will be no altar server training this week due to the Grade 5/6 Camp. Training will resume on Friday, 17th March from 9.00am - 9.30am for those students involved. It has been wonderful to see some of these students attending our weekend masses to observe Graeme Quinlan and Mason Crosier as they serve.



Important dates:

Friday, 17th March - St. Patrick’s Day - wear something green!!

Sunday, 26th March - Parish Mass at 10am at St. Mary’s Parish Church.

End of Term One - enrolment forms for ALL sacraments for 2023 closing date. 



Thanking you,

Michelle Hicks