Green Team

Where do I put my rubbish?

You may have noticed the three coloured bins in the yard for our school waste. Please read the signs carefully to check out what you can and can’t put in each bin.  We often find coffee cups in the recycling or compost bins. Unfortunately, these need to go landfill as they cannot be recycled in the City of Port Phillip or in our school composting systems. We are also trying to reduce the amount of soft plastics entering the school as these also need to go to landfill while the Redcycle program is on hold. 


Please remember to bring a rubbish free lunch every day. This includes a reusable water bottle. Implementing sustainable practices are part of our vision and helps reduce our ecological footprints. The Nude Food Challenge will commence very soon, and all classes will have the chance to win a session on the smoothie bike to make their own smoothies. 



Kitchen Garden

Everyone is welcome to come and explore the garden before and after school. Please ensure children are being supervised during this time as many flowers are being picked as well as fruits and vegetables. The flowers are feeding the bees and making the space a productive wonderland for the year 3/4 students to use during their kitchen garden sessions. This is also a beautiful habitat for many little creatures. If you move slowly enough you may notice the leaf curling spiders, ladybugs and hoverflies! We encourage the use of the mud kitchen but please only use gumnuts, stones and fallen leaves etc. 

Allison is looking for helpers in the garden every Monday. No experience necessary, just a willingness to get your hands dirty.