Yarra Ranges Tech Visits

On Wednesday 15th of March, students in 8C and 8D went on an excursion to the Yarra Ranges Tech School. We learnt how to code a little beetle robot and learned more about coding in general. The staff members showed us a lot of interesting stuff and how to use it in our everyday life. The best part of the day was when we had an opportunity to race our robots on a track and it was so much fun.   



On Tuesday 14th of March, 8A and 8B went to Yarra Ranges Tech School to explore the magic of coding. We learnt how to code a small bug-looking robot called Ringo. We learnt how to make it move and how to make the Ringo stay on track, also how to detect dark spots on the track and avoid them. We got to race our Ringos and make them colourful by using LED lights. Overall, it was an amazing experience and we can't wait to go back. 

Tayla and Chloe.