Library News



“Take a moment and reflect on how you can make a difference

 in your life during LENT” 

Students and staff were invited to make a reflection on Lent and some of the comments are included here:


I will try and be more generous and kind during Lent”

“I’ll continue being “Me” “

“I will be more decisive about my personal priorities”

“I will look for small ways I can make someone’s day “kinder” e.g. open the door for someone/make a small donation to project compassion for someone else”

“I will trust God to do better”

“I want to change how I am viewed by others”

“I will try to be kind”

“I will stop being fake”

" I will be my authentic self and learn to love those parts of me"

Mrs Madeleine Viner

Library Assistant

Cranbourne Campus