
Arriving on time

Being on time to school means that children can be part of the morning routine. This includes teacher and peer welcomes and greetings. Morning greetings help students feel connected to the school and add a sense of belonging.  Being late means missing important information about the day and learning time during the 2-hour Literacy/Numeracy block.


Leaving Early 

At DPWPS we also have a large proportion of children who leaving school throughout the day for appointments and ask that where possible if parents and guardians could please book appointments for 3:00 pm onwards where possible. Otherwise, please ensure that children return to school once the appointment is finished.  Reminder that on Friday afternoons we have our whole school assembly, so if you need to collect your child/ren early please do so before 2:45pm as it is hard to collect student during assembly. 


Unexplained Absences 

It is important to contact the school office if your child/ren are not attending school. Parent/Guardians will receive a SMS message to their mobile phone at 9:30am if their child has an unexplained absence on that day. Parent/Guardians are able to add an absence note themselves using the Compass app. 

If you have any issues logging onto the Compass app or would like to learn how to add a absence note, please contact the school office.