Classroom connections

What's happening in the Grade 5 and 6 corner?

Last Thursday we met with our "Buddies" and had lunch together, to get to know each other.  We have "Buddies" to help the young ones find new friends, and to be their friend. We did a tour to show them the school, this way, they won't get lost in the playground. It also means that we do our best to make them laugh and have a fun time at CJC!


Jeudi dernier nous avons rencontré nos “Buddies”. Nous avons déjeuné ensemble afin de mieux nous connaître.  Avoir des “Buddies” c'est pour les aider à avoir des amis ou juste pour être leur amis. Nous leur montrons l'école pour ne pas qu'ils se perdent dans la cour. Avoir un buddy ça veut aussi dire qu'on doit les faire rire et passer de bons moments à CJC !  

For our classroom connection we chose to talk about our buddies. Each student in year 5 in the school has gotten a buddy who will stay with them all through the year. We are all trying to connect and be friends with our buddies in different ways. Some are playing with them at recess or trying to help them make new friends or help improve some of their everyday skills. The year 5s are setting an example for the buddies and are there to help them around the school. Even though the year 5s all have buddies, it doesn't mean you can't help them out in the yard if you see them having trouble with something. You can go help them out even if you are younger, older or the same age. We do this every year and it’s to help all the preps and I'm sure not only the preps enjoy it but also the year 5s do too! We're not only here to be a good role model or example, we also want to be their friends. 

 -Lou 5D 



A few weeks ago, a new teacher came to teach us. His name is Mr Preston. He is nice and he is a generous person. In the first few weeks he taught us so much. We are lucky to have him!


In 5/6 Sport we did rotations for different sports: cricket, volleystars, softball and basketball. Last week we made our preferences for what sport we would like to do. 5/6 Sport is amazing because on Fridays we practise our sport until the big day, the Lightning Premiership on the 31st of March!


In 6EF we have been learning about numeracy and place value. We played ‘Cows and Bulls’ and ‘Guess the Number Mastermind’ which was very fun and helpful. We have been going up to numbers in the billions. In French, we have been learning about writing big numbers in letters.

On Wednesday 1st March, the grade 6’s sat down in the SLC and the teachers talked about bad behaviours and expectations, yet Ms Karakousis could not hide the smirk on her face. We were suspicious that a surprise was coming. And we were right! We finally received our Year 6 bomber jackets! The excitement was impossible to hold in and we all erupted in celebration. Putting on the Year 6 jacket we now feel like the real leaders of the school and are ready to represent the school community with pride.

Les Textes Argumentatifs


En CM2, on apprend à écrire des textes argumentatifs. Nous avons appris comment utiliser l’exagération, les questions rhétoriques et le sens de l’urgence pour qu' un texte argumentatif ne soit pas juste des mots et des paragraphes. On a déjà écrit un texte argumentatif en anglais et en français.                                              

-Charlotte    CM2 (5D)




This term in 5/6B we have been brainstorming about our new topic sustainability! We started with a group presentation to showcase our prior knowledge of the topic. Doing this, it is clear we are all eager to learn more about how we as a class can be more sustainable and how we can make our school a better place.


Le repas du midi en 6E


En 6E, quand c’est le temps du repas, nous nous mettons tous en rond et nous discutons en mangeant. C’est bien parce que ça nous donne un moment pour apprendre à tous nous connaître. On a décidé de faire ça car on aime pouvoir parler avec tout le monde dans la classe et pas juste certaines personnes.


L’année dernière, certains prenaient leur repas avec un petit groupe de copains, c’est chouette aussi mais cette année, nous préférons être tous ensemble. On s’amuse à entendre les histoires de tous les élèves. Et on apprend à mieux se connaître. C’est super !


On vous conseille d’essayer dans votre classe.

-La classe de 6E.


In class we have been exploring literature circles. The purpose of literature circles is to promote deep discussion. We have learnt how to do all the roles, for example word wizard, discussion director, super summarizer, and so much more. 


On Tuesday and Wednesday we did our first literature circles. We all had so much fun! 


Mindfulness in 5/6A

Students were calm during mindfulness activities in 5/6A

Veronika and Amedee
Paravi and Irini
Tal and Mac
Leon and Amos
Taylor and Jesse
Jordy and Lola
Veronika and Amedee
Paravi and Irini
Tal and Mac
Leon and Amos
Taylor and Jesse
Jordy and Lola