Welcome to Term 1


We would like to welcome existing families back to our school and extend a warm welcome to the new families of the Glen Waverley Primary School community.  It has been a phenomenal start to the year with our learners demonstrating curiosity and enthusiasm, while settling into their orderly learning spaces. With our three foci of;

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Resilience in Learning
  • Clarity in Communication


At the forefront of our learning and teaching, we are sure to have a fantastic term ahead.

New Staff at GWPS Samantha Graham – 5E


If I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you yet, I’m Mrs Graham. I’m new to Glen Waverley Primary this year after graduating from Deakin University in 2019.

I have a great passion for teaching after many adventures in my life.  I have worked within the education sector as an Integration Aid in Tasmania and Gippsland, and teaching Indigenous students in the Northern Territory for an exchange teaching program. Some of you may recognise me as Sammie from Minky’s Swim School, as I have been a Swimming Teacher there for 6 years. My hobbies include reading books, drinking cups of tea and taking my dog, Ollie for walks.

I look forward to getting to know you all this year and learning all about the Glen Waverley PS way. Don’t forget to come and say hi if you see me in the yard. 

5D Classroom Teacher – Replacement and Transition


Following Mr Mujie’s unfortunate and unexpected resignation, Ms Dell’Aquila has been appointed as the new classroom teacher for 5D. With a wealth of experience from the United Kingdom and Deakin University, she is most eager to connect with our learning community and support our children in every way possible. Mrs Anat Garzberg-Grant, an experienced Learning Specialist, will also be present in 5D as an excellent support during early stages of this transition. Should you require more information, please refer to the letter as sent out by Mr Catalano or contact him directly.


Samantha Dell’Aquila – 5D

Hi, I’m Miss Dell’Aquila. I am excited to be on a new journey teaching 5D at Glen Waverley Primary School.  I am passionate about teaching and building relationships with learners. It has been a great first week and I look forward to continuing the excellence in student achievement. I strive to be an approachable teacher, so please don’t hesitate to contact me or come and see me if you have any questions, concerns, issues, or need support with anything.