Assessment and reporting

In 2019 we undertook a review of our assessment and reporting processes. After consultation with our community the following will be implemented in 2020:
Teacher written comments have been removed from all reports.
Year 7 - 10 compulsory assessment tasks (CATs) will continue to be reported via Compass. Families will be given access to upcoming assessment tasks electronically and have access to teacher feedback on tasks.
VCE Unit 1 and 2 and intermediate VCAL outcomes and SACs will now be reported to families via Compass, allowing more up-to-date feedback on students’ progress.
Year 7 - 11 students will continue to receive an interim report at the end of Term 1 and 3 and summary report at the end of each semester.
VCE Unit 3 and 4 will continue to receive six-weekly progress reports.
Families are encouraged to communicate with their children’s teachers regarding classwork, homework and assessment tasks as needed. Teachers typically provide feedback to students directly on to their work and families should access and discuss this with their children with a view to future improvement.
If you have any questions about the updated assessment and reporting process, please contact me via email
Paul Mameghan
Assistant Principal