Year 7

Welcome to Year 7, 2020
The Year 7 students of 2020 arrived at school eagerly with their families on the morning of Wednesday 29 January. All students were dressed to impress with the new Thornbury High School uniforms and overfilled school bags. It was a busy day of moving into their new lockers, meeting their subject teachers and making many new friends. The first day of Year 7 was a raging success with students showing enthusiasm in all that they did.
Fast forward a few weeks and our Year 7 students have successfully navigated a few challenges. Remembering locker combinations, navigating the many classrooms around the school and learning their teachers' names, they all managed to settle in quite seamlessly to high school life.
Some of the highlights of the past four weeks of school have been spending lunch times in our Year 7 games room, our first year level assembly in the new auditorium, playing cricket, basketball, soccer and footy at lunch time and getting to know members of their forms groups.
There are many more exciting times ahead for our Year 7 students including Year 7 camp in Bacchus Marsh at the renowned Lake Dewar Lodge.
We look forward to continuing to work with our Year 7s this year and watch them flourish and grow into successful and well rounded high school students.
The Year 7 Team
Pieter Oosterloo, Ariana Magliozzi, Georgia Stavrakis