Secondary 9/10

9/10 A
While Term 3 has had its ups and downs, the students in 9/10A have shown great resilience and enthusiasm. They have taken all challenges head on and I have been so impressed with the level of effort they have put into their learning on a daily basis. Morning meetings have been a highlight, where we have had a laugh, cracked a few jokes and played many Kahoots.
During this term 9/10B explored comics and had the opportunity to create their own. As a class we collaborated on layouts, what a comic needs and the importance of words and images. Students created comics ranging from The Bear and the Fox to Apple Pie and Banana Boat. There was an amazing amount of creativity shown by all. When we were thrown into our 6th lockdown the students took this in their stride. They have shown great resilience with remote learning and shown that they have developed the skills when things change to make the best of the situation. Hopefully we will all be back in the classroom before we know it.
9/10 C
9/10C this term finished writing up our choose-your-own adventure story we have been collaborating on. The class work hard sharing their creative writing ideas, published and shared “Escape from Bowser” with our section. Our students relished the time at home to work on their creative writing ideas and practising their numeracy skills in measurement participating and sharing during our live online sessions. Well, done to all 9/10C for an amazing term and look forward to another fantastic term in person!
9/10 D
This term 9/10D loved exploring their creative side to construct a class narrative. They collaborated together to co create characters, the setting and the plot using a graphic organiser. With all that practice it was time to construct their own writing piece and focus on developing paragraphs expressing their ideas. A highlight was Rogers story on a peculiar dog and a strange fox who burnt down a barn. Unfortunately, we headed back into our 6th lockdown for the remainder of term, students showed great resilience to pick up where we left off and get straight into online learning. It was great to see students engaging in the task boards as well as participating within online lessons. Our fingers are crossed we will head into Term 4 back on site.
9/10 E
This term in 9/10E, we have been learning about sustainability and the environment. Students investigated Biomes and used their knowledge and skills to create their own through Minecraft and items from home.
It was great to see most of our students engaging in remote learning where they continued to build their numeracy and literacy skills. Students participated in live WebEx lessons and as a class followed along with our class novel; Boy overboard by Morris Gleitzman.
Well done to all 9/10E for an amazing term and I hope to have another fantastic term in person soon!
9/10 F
9/10 F have been busy this term learning a range of English and Math activities. We learned about multiplication, length, perimeter and area and then transferred our skills into a mini Zoo project which was designed on MineCraft. Indiah was very proud to share her final pieces which look amazing.
Holly transferred her length skills while cutting her sister's hair, she did a fabulous job.
For writing students worked on procedural texts, they planned, drafted and published their pieces and showcased it in a digital format of their choice. Marius chose ‘How to make Hot Chocolate’ and displayed it in a Photostory.
Thank you 9/10 F for all your wonderful work, despite learning being remote and flexible your efforts are greatly appreciated. Thank you for all your hard work this term. Keep it up!
9/10 G
Over the term 9/10G have loved creating our own procedures in writing. Students were able to pick their own interest to write about, Luca created an amazing YouTube tutorial showing the procedure of putting on a leash and harness on a rabbit. A highlight of our time during remote learning has been playing games as a class, like Pictionary, Kahoot and Scategories. Our focus in Integrated has been on ‘Our place in the universe’, we have learnt new facts and information about space and our planet Earth. We have looked at ways we can help the environment by making easy changes to our everyday lives, such as recycling and making smart choices when we are shopping. As a class we have shown resilience, kindness and respect towards each other and have supported each other through the remote learning. Well done to all 9/10G for an amazing term and I hope to have another fantastic term in person soon!
9/10 H
9/10 I
9/10 PreCal have demonstrated resilience, courage and persistence this term while taking on the challenge of remote learning as it continued to be extended. Students showed up each day with a smile, excited to see their classmates faces and eager to have a chat. We have all enjoyed participating in a weekly experience of cooking pizzas and Yum yum balls, making puppets out of trash and creating shadow art along with experimenting in the kitchen making our own ice cream in a bag.
Students have had to create their own shopping lists, read and follow a procedure and write a reflection about their own experience. In math's students have been learning about money and understanding the value of all the coins, making change and problem solving with money.
Lauren and Erin have enlightened the students with fun and interactive activities that have nurtured student’s conversational skills and turn taking throughout the term for speech and OT. We look forward to the next term and fingers crossed we will all be together in the classroom.