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What is Abacus and how does it benefit a child?

Abacus is a brain development technique that has been used for centuries and is still in use.

The  brain has two hemispheres, left and right. The left hemisphere is used for analytical thinking,logical processing, maths/science etc; and the right hemisphere is used for creativity, art, imagination, visualization etc. In most people, use of the left side of the brain is dominant however the right brain is not used much.

Abacus bridges this gap and helps use and develop both the left and right sides of the brain simultaneously, which results in improved:

1. Concentration, Listening and Memory;

2. Visualization, Imagination and Creativity;

3. Critical thinking;

4. Speed and accuracy;

5. self confidence; remove fear of Math's, and

6. Outcomes in Math's and other subjects, resulting in better overall NAPLAN scores.