A message from the Student Wellbeing Team

Keep on Learning and Loving to Learn


Don’t study/learn because you need to. Study because knowledge is power. Study because they can never take it away from you. Study because it enhances you. Study because it grows you - Anon


Continuous learning has been shown to help improve and maintain wellbeing. It can: 

People who engage in learning report feeling better about themselves and have greater ability to cope with stress, and to have an increased sense of hope and purpose.


During lockdown periods and the necessity of remote learning, there have been both new opportunities and challenges for us all to keep on learning (perhaps even having to learn new skills) and for some, a sense of loving to learn has perhaps required making adjustments, developing new, positive learning mindsets to succeed in online learning settings. 


Learning in any context, often requires an initial purpose, then a process, followed by reflection, to celebrate new learning that occurs, and then identifying how the knowledge can be transferred to new learning opportunities. 


As we approach the school holidays, you might want to start a conversation with the young people in your lives about how you have adopted this process in your own life, and then ask them to share one of their own experiences with you… and then, share the benefits of keeping on learning  and loving to learn in your own lives. 



Gail Inniss

Student Wellbeing Manager