Friday Zoom Fun!
As we approached the end of Term 3 Preps and Year 1s gathered together over Zoom and enjoyed a Fun Friday afternoon together making Playdough. Children on site didn’t miss out with Mrs Steele and Mrs Pillifeant ensuring they joined in the fun. It was icky, sticky, and a little messy but we had so much fun.
Shellene Pillifeant
Prep Teacher
Prep never give up!
Prep students (and their amazing parents) have been doing a wonderful job with online learning. Some of our highlights have been: enjoying Zoom Reading Groups with our friends, receiving a picture of Flat Stanley (in the mail) and reading and writing about Stanley’s adventures, listening to a story and writing about our feelings and having guest speakers in our Devotion times. We enjoyed Mr Farmer’s visit and were encouraged to “never never ever give up”!
Sonia Sires and Nicole Ng
Prep S Teachers
Year 1 Learning
Year 1J have been incredible with Online Learning. We have learnt lots, laughed and loved seeing each other every day. A big shout out to our amazing and supportive parents who have been there all the way.
We’ve loved hearing from Mr Know It All during devotions, worked hard in Literacy and Reading Groups and sent encouraging letters to our wonderful specialist teachers.
Gaye Jones
Year 1J Teacher
Year 1N students have been so diligent and awesome with Online Learning! From making weather mobiles to making play dough on Zoom, we are so grateful to have such supportive and encouraging parents.
We’ve been busy with daily Literacy groups, practising our phonograms, drawing, learning about Jesus’ ministry on earth, and writing narratives. It’s been so wonderful to see how joyous and grateful our Year 1s are everyday!
Miss Nheu
Year 1N Teacher
Psalms of Thanksgiving
Year 2 students have been very busy during our remote learning and have done such an incredible job. In Literacy we looked at the Psalms written by David in the Bible and how they are written. The students then had a go at writing their own Psalm, and did such a great job, you can see some of them below.
Tayla Moss, Judith Hendricks
Year 2 Teachers
Super Scientists
The Year 2s have been studying Chemical Sciences this term and we have been looking at materials and mixtures. They did such an incredible job learning at home. Below are some pictures of the robots they created out of recycled materials as well as Jelly making and the Lava Lamps they created to understand how mixtures are created and how different substances react when combined.
Tayla Moss, Judith Hendricks
Year 2 Teachers
Cooking fun with Mrs Hendricks and Miss Moss
The Year 2s had so much fun cooking ‘Brownies in a mug’ together on Zoom. We certainly enjoyed eating way too much chocolate and had such a great time together.
Tayla Moss, Judith Hendricks
Year 2 Teachers
JOY Cookies
Year 3 and 4 students made some delicious joy cookies with Mrs Hughes!
Anthea Albertus & Rebecca Elliott, Paige Cheung & Gail van Heerden
Year 3 & 4 Teachers
The Year 5 and 6 students have been busy cooking online with our Chef Mrs Hughes too!
Emily Law & Daniel Ferguson, Melanie Lepileo & Chelsea Edwards
Year 5 & 6 Teachers
Year 4 & 5 Art
Just before lockdown #6 students in Years 4 and 5 had a felt making lesson with felt maker Elizabeth Armstrong. Elizabeth will be working with the students from Years 4 & 5 for two lessons each class to create felt for an art piece made by Elizabeth representing the bible verse of the year. Due to lockdown this will hopefully continue in Term 4.
Some amazing works of art have been turning up on the hub from the Primary students whilst they have been at home. Students have been using all sorts of different things to make art, from petals and leaves, scrap cardboard to the humble blue ball point pen.
Sally Darlison
Art Teacher
Primary Captains Lead Year 4-6 Zoom
The Primary Captains have shown incredible resilience throughout the year as they have seen many of their plans and events cancelled. On Friday 10th September they organised and ran a fun Zoom hangout for students in Years 4-6.
The Captains created some amazing games and everyone had a great time catching up and competing against the other year levels. Congratulations to the Year 5 students who won the most points!
Chelsea Edwards
Year 6 Teacher
Chinese Language Learning Continues
I thank God that even while we’re locked down, students still enjoyed their learning in Chinese. They are using technologies to demonstrate their understanding through reading, speaking and writing. I am pleased to see that the students are trying their best under the circumstances, especially the creativity shown in their projects!
Keep up the good work! I hope I get to see you soon!
Rebecca Lim
Chinese Teacher
Prep and Year 1 students have been busy doing online Drama lessons, we have experimented with using our voices, learned to move in creative ways, and practiced using our faces to make different expressions. The Prep and Year 1 students, and their teachers, recently created some “Emoji face” collages on Padlet.
We enjoyed seeing all our friends and teachers making funny faces!
Karen Elbourne
Drama Teacher
English as an Additional Language
Despite the current lockdown, students in the Primary EAL (English as an Additional Language) program have continued to work hard to develop their language skills. At St Andrews Christian College we have a total of twenty students from Prep to Year 6 who are receiving assistance from the EAL program.
Every week during this time of remote learning, they are invited to meet with me individually or in small groups over Zoom to communicate in English, extend their vocabulary and work on areas of improvement in their reading comprehension as well as writing skills. It is challenging to use English when it is not your first or solely known language but our EAL students have not let this stop them from trying their best. I am extremely proud of them!
Mrs Olivia Tay
Primary EAL/D teacher