Geography Excursion

The South Stirling's provided a wonderful backdrop for the excursion

Environmental Change & Management

Our Year 10 students went on a Geography excursion to the Saggers and Adams properties in the Plantagenet Shire. 


The topic we are covering is Environmental Change and Management, and the purpose of the day was to talk to farmers about how they balance profitability and environmental sustainability. 


Heather Adams and Tim & Val Saggers explained how they address issues such as salinity, erosion and biodiversity loss while running successful farming enterprises. 

Bruce Radys from the Oyster Harbour Catchment Group joined us to demonstrate how degraded land can be regenerated to protect waterways and create biodiversity corridors. It was a lovely day, and we all got a lot out of it and students will now write up a report on their findings.  


Thank you to Rob Calcraft and Mark Spencer for their help on the day.


Shiralee Goodwill