A/Deputy Principal

The second round of OLNA testing will conclude this week.

Year 12 Finish

Our Year 12 students have until Friday October 22 (the second week of Term 4) to complete their school-based education programs at the College.  However, many of our Year 12’s who are not sitting for WACE exams may complete their education programs earlier than that date. As soon as our Year 12 students finish their education program at the College in Term 4 they are required to leave the campus. We will provide Year 12 students with a Clearance Form at the start of next term that will act as a checklist to make sure they’ve completed all of their course requirements before they leave. 

Open Day 2021

Whilst Open Day is reported in other sections of this newsletter I would like to highlight that it was great to see staff and students showcasing the daily running operations of the farm, trade training, equine and classroom activities. I would like to thank all staff and students for their hard work in the preparation up to and on the day. A special acknowledge to Mr Gibbins and Ms Axe who took on the planning and coordination of the event. We had plenty of positive feedback on the classroom displays and our educational program. If you managed to take a look around I hope you enjoyed the day.  We would welcome any feedback on your experience of Open Day.

There was a lot of background preparation as a lead up to Open Day
Students made sure the College was spick and span
No stone was unturned
Coffee was in demand...Daniel Gibbins with Hospitality students & their TAFE Teacher
There was a lot of background preparation as a lead up to Open Day
Students made sure the College was spick and span
No stone was unturned
Coffee was in demand...Daniel Gibbins with Hospitality students & their TAFE Teacher

College Ball

The annual College Ball took place on Friday September 10 at AJAR Restaurant and our students were beautifully dressed and are to be congratulated on their impeccable behaviour. A special acknowledgement to our Beau and Belle, Cameron Rodgers and Libby Miell, Prince and Princess, Will Plunkett and Abby Kemp. This event could not have happened without the support and help of the Residential staff and students, and I would like to acknowledge the concerted effort of everyone who was involved.

OLNA Testing

The second round of OLNA testing will conclude this week.  The results of the tests will be available to schools in late November.  Those students who do not achieve the required “Category 3” result in either the reading, writing or numeracy tests will have two further opportunities in Year 11 and/or a further two opportunities in Year 12. 


Students who are completing Year 12 this year and who do not meet the required standards in this round will still receive a Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) which provides a formal record of what they have achieved during their secondary schooling. 


For these students, the Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) will provide opportunities for students to sit the relevant components during any future rounds of OLNA. When students have demonstrated the standards and they have met all the other requirements of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) current in that year, they will be awarded the WACE.

2022 Course Selections

2022 course selections for students moving into Year 11 or 12 will be sent out to parents toward the end of this term. This will give parents the opportunity to discuss the preferred courses and options their son or daughter wish to pursue up to and over the holiday period.  A reminder to parents that Steve Swallow (A/Principal), Stuart Irwin (A/HOD of Studies), and I are always available to discuss course selections with parents, so please don’t hesitate to contact either one of us if you need some advice. 

Year 10/11 Work Experience

Parents or guardians of our current Year 10 students will also be receiving information before the end of this term regarding a four day block of school-authorised work experience at the end of Term 4 (Monday 14th to Thursday 17th December).  


Year 11 Agricultural Studies students will be involved in a work experience programme during Week 7 of Term 4, the week following the College Year 12 Graduation. Year 11 ATAR students will be completing end of year exams during this time. Parents of Year 11 Ag. Studies students have received information about work experience earlier this term.


If parents have any questions regarding these work experience blocks they should contact me at the College.

Year 12 Career & Enterprise (CE) Mock Job Interview Assessment

The Year 12 Ag Studies and Trade students will partake in mock job interviews as part of their CE assessment scheduled on Monday September 20. Students will be interviewed by local business owners and employment agencies based on their mock job applications completed earlier on in the term. This will be a great opportunity for our students to practise and receive constructive feedback on the interview process and strategies. 


Amanda Gaunt Deputy Principal
Amanda Gaunt Deputy Principal