From the A/Principal

This will be my last report as Acting Principal 

College Ball

It was probably one of the best College Balls that I can remember. What a terrific job Keir Mulder, Megan Butt, Kelli Gillies and the Student Ball Committee team did with this year’s College Ball.  The kitchen staff provided yet another wonderful meal and the AJAR function centre was an excellent venue. 


The atmosphere created by the band (‘Dig the Dust’) was fantastic and resulted in an evening that will last long and fondly in the memories of those students who attended.  A highlight was when three of our students Shamus Buttel, Roreigh Curran – Jones and Liam Milner joined the band on stage with a rendition of the AC/DC song ‘You shook me all night long’. 


We were also pleased that the parameters we put in place to reduce the likelihood of our students attending “afters” parties were strongly supported by parents, many of whom enjoyed a meal together at the Boston Brewery while their son or daughter attended the ball. The majority of parents also attended the College Board Annual General Meeting which was held in the College Dining room earlier in the evening. 


All in all, the 2021 College Ball was a classy, fun and safe event for our students – everything we hoped it would be.

Open Day

The 2021 Open Day was also a great success.  The WACoA - Denmark staff and students prepared and presented the College in a very professional way and the displays, activities and College resources impressed all that attended. The College community was also very pleased with the event. The feedback from parents and the general public was very positive. In particular, everyone was very impressed with the conduct, attitude and maturity of our students. 

The intention was to reduce numbers attending to approx. 800 (including staff and students) this year due to COVID-19. It appears final numbers were between 800 to 850 people. We were also very pleased with the weather on the day. In the past Open Day has often been wet, windy and very cold.


There was also a significant involvement of industry people with this year’s Open Day with the likes of AFGRI, Farmers Centre, HIMAC, Nutrien, Skills Road, Apprenticeships Australia, South Regional TAFE and the Department of Primary Industries providing displays and career information. 

Primary School Ag Awareness Day

Immediately after the College Open Day (Tuesday 7th September) we invited nearly 300 primary school students from across the Great Southern to the College for a Primary School Agricultural Awareness Day. This is an initiative the Department of Agriculture and Food started several years ago and is something that the College has decided to continue. 

Students had the opportunity to visit and learn about the different agricultural enterprises on the College Farm including sheep and wool, beef cattle, aquaculture, equine, meat processing and dairy production. The College staff and community believe it is important that young children have some understanding of agriculture and the production of food. Quite often we find students who have attended our Primary Awareness Day develop an interest in livestock and agriculture and end up enrolling at the College a few years later. 

Equine - Inter College Event

Congratulations to Elissa Forbes and equine students Kasey James, Nell Bouffler, Chontelle Bock, Shahna Davis, Willow Donohue, Ella Cameron, Dakota Dalton, Matilda Steinhoff, Misha Utber and Alyssa Marson, who recently competed at the Narrogin Equine Intercollege event. Students were involved in show jumping, dressage, equine games and in-hand presentations and achieved outstanding results. The Denmark equine team achieved the highest averaged college score and won the overall trophy for the event. Well done to all involved.

Sustainability Committee

A key target in the College 2020 – 2023 Business Plan is to identify opportunities for a more sustainable use of resources across the College. The College Sustainability Committee has been meeting regularly over recent months. Sustainability is also a key focus area of the Certificate III in Agriculture.  


VET Coordinator and trainer, Darren Scahill and the Cert. III Agriculture students have been involved with the College Sustainability Committee. Identification and costing of opportunities/projects are important activities for students studying the Cert. III in Agriculture. These student projects included storage and reduction of water usage on the farm, appropriate disposal of tyres/silage wrap, planning and planting of shelter/wind breaks, and the management of the College landfill site. 

Country Week

Country Week 2021 will not be re-scheduled for Term 4. This decision is based on feedback that parents and schools provided to the Department of Education.  As you are probably aware, we were recently asked to complete a survey regarding Country Week. 94% of schools indicated cancelling Country Week for 2021 was the best option for all their students, and most of the parents agreed. It was recognised that Term 4 is already busy, and rescheduling Country Week would have caused disruptions to the teaching and learning programme. Schools would have been required to reorganise travel and accommodation (if available), relief teachers and sports teams. Some schools would not have been able to participate without their Year 12 students. I have no doubt that our Year 10 and 11 students will have the opportunity to bring their very best to the competition in 2022.

2021 Parent Survey

It’s that time of the year when we start seeking feedback from our key stakeholders about the College and our operations. One of the most important surveys we conduct each year is our online Parent Survey and parents will receive an email next term with a link to complete the survey. Not many of us enjoy doing surveys but the reality is the feedback we receive from our parents is critical to our improvement processes, so I encourage you to please take the time and effort to share your views. 

2021 Residential Survey

We will we’ll also be asking for an additional commitment of time from the parents of our residential students to complete a survey specifically for our residential program.  As most of our parents would know, we’ve had a strong focus on support in our College residence, and we’d like some feedback from the parents of our residential students as to how they think we’re going, and where we can continue to improve.  Parents will receive an email next term with a link to complete the survey.

Year 12 Finish - Behaviour Expectations

While we know that many of our ‘non-ATAR’ Year 12’s are becoming very keen to finish their education programs at the College as soon as possible, we are expecting all Year 12’s to return to the College in Term 4.  After that, once students have completed all their course requirements, they will be allowed – in fact, they will be required – to leave the campus. 


It is also that time of the year when we need to remind students and parents that the College will not tolerate any disruptive or destructive behaviour from Year 12’s in their last week or two of school. Students who engage in that type of behaviour will place their invitation to Graduation at risk. Over the past few years, our Year 12 students have left the College in a very positive manner. I feel sure the 2021 Year 12 group will do the same. 

Perth Royal Show

The Perth Royal Show was cancelled in 2020 due to COVID-19. However, we are very pleased the Royal Show returns in 2021 and our students can participate in the Ag. Colleges Farm Skills competition. College students will also have the opportunity to be involved in Student Cattle Parading events and junior judging competitions with sheep and cattle. The College will also be involved in the Led Steer/Heifer competition. 

Staffing Changes

Dairy Agriculture Training Officer (ATO) Jason Frankham-Eade has resigned from his position at the College after accepting a role with a dairy enterprise in Busselton.  The College advertised for another ATO Dairy position which we hope to fill in the next few weeks. 


Dai Thomas (Horticulture ATO) has been on a much deserved long-service-leave during Term 3. Brian Taylor has been working in Dae’s position and is doing an outstanding job in the Horticulture section. 

Student Enrolments

The College commenced this year with an enrolment of 140 students and at the recent August census we still have 137 students. Demand for places for 2022 continues to be very strong. The College’s A/Deputy Principal Amanda Gaunt, and I continue to be busy interviewing prospective students for 2022. Second round offers were completed Week 1 of Term 3. The final third round student offers will be allocated at the end of Term 3.

Enrolment enquiries were steady during Open Day
Enrolment enquiries were steady during Open Day

Information Day - Aboriginal Leaders & Family of Prospective Students

The College community invited indigenous leaders, students, parents/carers and family members to attend an Information Day at the W.A. College of Agriculture – Denmark on Thursday 19 August. The Student Information Day included:

  • A presentation in the College lecture theatre outlining courses of study, vocational educational and training qualifications, tertiary pathways and training pathways.
  • An inspection and tour of the Metals and Engineering workshop, Automotive workshop, classrooms, science laboratory and computer rooms.
  • A tour of the College farm- and robotic dairy.
  • An introduction to the residential and boarding facilities including a guided tour of student dormitories/rooms, dining room, laundry and sports gymnasium.
  • Morning tea and lunch in the College dining room.

Our goal was to increase awareness about the College within the aboriginal and wider community and invite indigenous students to apply for enrolment at the College. The College intends to repeat the Information Day next year. 

Principal's Position

Mrs. Rebecca Kirkwood has been appointed to the Principal position of the W.A. College of Agriculture – Denmark for a 20-month period. Kevin Osborne is still the substantive Principal of the College. 


Rebecca worked in a leadership position in Kalgoorlie – Boulder last year and then was a Deputy Principal at Denmark Senior High School during Semester 1 of 2021. She is now a Deputy Principal at North Albany Senior High School. Rebecca will begin work at the College on Monday, 11 October (day 1 of Term 4). 


I have really enjoyed the challenge of the Principal’s role over the past 18 months and appreciated the support of staff, students, parents/carers, members of the Agricultural Advisory Committee and College Board and the wider College community. It has been a great privilege working at the College and being involved in the education, training and development of our students. I have also enjoyed working with a wonderful group of colleagues and friends and look forward to seeing everyone again at the Year 12 Graduation in November.

Steve Swallow A/Principal
Steve Swallow A/Principal