General Information

What our students are working on or needing.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to the staff and students who celebrate their birthday this week and during the holidays:

Abigail Pietsch, Bobby Chard, Max Grob, Lane Grob, India Williamson, Isobel Tremain, Harry Smith, Olivia Cooke, Mrs Baker, Mr Cameron, Mrs Little and Mrs Gannon


Term 3 will finish this Friday 17th September. Term 4 will start on Tuesday 5th October. Monday 4th October is Labor Day long weekend.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday whether you are travelling away or enjoying some quiet time at home. 

The staff look forward to seeing students return on Tuesday 5th October, ready for a busy term 4 to finish off a mixed up year. 


Tough times don't last but tough people do!!