A Look at Learning

From the LOP


By now parents of children in Year 3 and Year 5 will have received their child's NAPLAN results for 2021. 


Once again the school has performed well and a big congratulations must go out to all of these students. Also, a big thank you to the current and previous teachers of these students who have contributed to this success. 


Year 3 had students gain Band 5 and above in the domains of Reading, Punctuation and Grammar, Spelling, Writing and Numeracy. This is 3 bands above the National Minimum Standard.Year 5 had a number of students achieve Band 7 and above in the domains of Reading, Punctuation and Grammar, Spelling, Writing and Numeracy. This is also 3 bands above the National Minimum Standard.


This is an excellent effort of all of our students and staff at St Joseph’s and your achievements are worth celebrating.