From the Principal

Ms Noelene Hussey

Dear Families,

I hope you were able to enjoy the weekend and the lovely sunshine and warmer weather. I hope you put your screens away and enjoyed some fresh air, even though we were all limited into how we spent our time. 

In my video last week I thanked you all for your assistance to support our children learning at home. Our staff are extremely grateful for all you are doing under difficult circumstances for all of us. Reflecting on our restrictions and what we are missing out on, it is very easy to feel despondent. However when watching what is happening in Afghanistan I am grateful that I am living in a relatively safe and stable city. Feeling this gratitude has allowed me to feel a bit more positive in all this doom and gloom.

I am sure many of our children are feeling disillusioned so they may need to be reminded to look for things that they should be grateful for to get through this latest lockdown. Some ideas maybe;

Saying thank you to those who are helping or supporting them

Look for awe - inspiring moments that have happened during the day

Share your gratitude at bedtime - ask your child what they are thankful for

Share your gratitude at the dinner table - take a minute to share what you are thankful for 

Encourage to give compliments to others

Keep a gratitude journal - this can be done individually or as a family


Spending just a few minutes a day to practice gratitude with our families or friends can have a positive impact on how we address the stress and disappointments this lockdown is presenting us. So I will begin by saying thank you to our parents, our staff and most importantly our children for all the hard work we are doing to continue learning and making the best of the situation we are all in at the moment!

I am hopeful that we will all return to school on Friday September 3. Once I get any information or directives from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS),  I will let you know. A reminder that adults must wear masks at all times when entering our Office. I also ask that masks are worn when dropping off or collecting our children before or after school. The more we comply with the regulations and restrictions, the sooner our lives will get back to normal. 


CyberSafety Information Session

Our Cybersafety webinar for parents is on tonight at 7.30pm. I strongly urge you to attend as our lockdowns are extended for longer periods of time, our children are online more than ever.

The session is presented by the Cyber Safety Project and some of the things you will learn about will be;

Connecting and playing online safely

Managing cyber bullying

Managing use of app and game settings when things go wrong

Managing a safe digital environment in your home.

Our children will be participating in a cyber safety session this week where they will be participating in a webinar with the presenters from the Cyber Safety Project. As a family you will have the opportunity to create a pledge on how they will be safe online, design a board game about how to be safe when online, complete a 7 day safety challenge or even create a family technology agreement.