P & F Walk-a-thon

Dear Families,


As you know, first the weather and then COVID stopped us from going ahead with our Galilee School Walk-a-thon. And now that remote learning and/or restrictions look like they will go for an extended period, we have decided to adapt. Introducing the Galilee School Virtual Walk-a-thon!




With all the time families are spending at home, getting out for a walk on the weekend or after school is a great idea. To participate, your family can go for a walk anywhere and at any time this term – the recommended distance is 3km for kids in Year K-2 and 4km for kids in Years 3-6 but just getting out and committing to doing it is all that we really ask!


Just a reminder – we are raising funds to purchase brightly coloured, portable outdoor furniture for our school playground.

To participate:

  1. Join your House Team
  • Go to our fundraising website:


  • Click on your child’s House
  • Scroll down and click on “Join this Group”
  • Login or sign-up to “MyCause”
  • At the “Member’s Details” page add your child’s name (email is entirely optional if you want updates about fundraising), agree to the Terms and Conditions and Click “Save

2. Fundraise

  • Share your House Fundraising Page and ask friends and relatives to support your child (there are buttons on the side to copy the page link or share on Facebook, if you wish)
  • For those who have already raised money for the original walk-a-thon you can either add it direct to the page as a donation  OR transfer the funds to the P&F account and we will add the amounts raised as offline donations. If you are transferring direct to the P&F account, please email both Lydia (treasurer) lydiabryson@hotmail.com and Emily (organiser) emily.jane.ballinger@gmail.com with a photo or details of the transfer
    • Galilee Parents & Friends Association Commonwealth Bank
    • BSB – 062123
    • Account – 10457297
    • Reference: [Child’s name] WALK

3. Walk

  • Do your walk any day and time that suits you
  • Your child (and you!) are encouraged to wear brightly coloured/fluoro clothes if you wish
  • Snap a photo somewhere on your walk and send it to Emily (emily.jane.ballinger@gmail.com) and Galilee School (info@galileebondi.com.au) with the title WALK to show us that you have participated – photos will be shared via the newsletter and the school’s social media pages (let us know if you don’t want your photo shared). 

We have some fabulous PRIZES for the child(ren) who raise the most money as well as prizes for brightest dressed – includinglollies, books, puzzles and stationery.


Any questions, feel free to contact Emily on 0410 799619 or emily.jane.ballinger@gmail.com.



Emily and your P&F committee