Science Week

"Food - Different by Design"

Science Week - 16-20 August

Mr Hudson Servina, Head of Science and Technologies

We will be celebrating Science Week at the College in Week 5.   The theme for this year is 'Food - Different by Design'.


As part of the week, the Science teachers and Food Technician teachers will be doing some activities with our students in class in line with our theme.  Apart from the focus in class, some activities will be happening at lunchtime for Secondary students and other times for Primary students. 


Science Week Poster Competition

We are also running a poster competition with some very interesting prizes, based on that theme. Posters are due Thursday, and winners for the different categories will receive their prizes in the following week. We encourage all our students to participate. 


Parents can support Science Week by encouraging their children to participate in the poster competition, talk to them about the types of meals that are significant in their family or culture. Wishing you all a very happy Science Week!