Year 7 

It is hard to believe that we are half way through Term 1 already.  Year 7 students have adapted quite well to their timetable and on the whole have been excellent at upholding the school uniform policy. Please note that students are only to wear PE uniform on days that they have PE and/or Drama.


It has been a very busy term and many Year 7 students have been making the most of the diverse opportunities presented. Please encourage your daughters to participate in school activities; it helps them to develop friendships and builds self-confidence and resilience skills.


Whole School Swimming Carnival

The students had the Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 6 March. It was, as always, a fun day, with girls participating and supporting House Teams and friends. It is an important day and a real opportunity to develop relationships, participate, compete and show school spirit.


Pastoral Focus

Our focus over the next few weeks during Health classes will be exploring positive relationships and friendships, acceptance of each other and our differences, and the qualities it takes to be a good friend. 


Our team of Year 7 teachers will assist each individual student in developing her skills in this area so that there is a sense of belonging to a peer group. The sense of belonging and being connected with friends and peers plays an important part in the development of self-esteem and confidence.


Thank you to all parents who have assisted with this at home and I encourage you to continue these conversations.

The girls were introduced to the story of One Green Apple by Eve Bunting in response to the Christchurch tragedy. It is a gentle story about being new and different.


Farah, the central character, feels alone, even when surrounded by her classmates. She listens and nods but doesn’t speak. It’s hard being the new kid in school, especially when you’re from another country and don’t know the language. Then, on a field trip to an apple orchard, Farah discovers there are lots of things that sound the same as they did at home, from dogs crunching their food to the ripple of friendly laughter. As she helps the class make apple cider, Farah connects with the other students and begins to feel that she belongs.


Firefly Awards

To celebrate everyone’s uniqueness and individuality, some Year 7s will be given awards based on displays of empathy, respect and acceptance.


To introduce these awards, the girls heard about the story of the Firefly and Butterfly. The Butterflies will be noticed. So brilliant. So colourful. Their talents so obvious. But let us not forget the Fireflies. Their triumphs are quiet and unsuspecting. Their gifts might even go completely unnoticed.


Homework Club

Keeping on top of homework can be a challenge. Year 7s should be doing one hour of homework on average on weeknights and weekends. This may vary slightly on occasions, but consistency is important.


Homework Club has started for the year.  Sessions are held in Room 76 on Wednesday at lunchtime.  These sessions are for Year 7 students only and they are an excellent way for students to stay on track with not only their homework but any of their other assessment tasks. These sessions are also an opportunity for students to seek some extra help especially in the area of Mathematics.


Interim Reports

Interim Reports have been uploaded to the Parent Portal. I encourage both students and parents to use the Interim Report as a conversation-starter to discuss what has gone well this term and also what goals can be set for Term 2. I look forward to meeting as many parents as possible in the upcoming parent/teacher/student interviews.


Term 1 Class Captains

We congratulate:

7/70 - Sienna Fawcett  and Alicia Noble

7/71 - Neve Lamb and Grace Dias

7/72 - Elke Madlener and Shania Nugara

7/73 - Mali Sullivan  and Alana Black 

7/74 - Eva Lagana  and Ella Taylor

7/75 - Renee Alesci and Grace Denton

7/76 - Ella Bracchi and Bridgette Veneris

Term 1 Sport Captains

We congratulate:

Lucy Bracchi

Jessica Hertz

Maddison Hong

Brooke Corcoran


World's Greatest Shave

Congratulations to Sienna Foggie who performed with her dad and uncle supporting a friend who is participating in the World’s Greatest Shave. Such a wonderful performance and for an important cause. Well done Sienna!


Leah Cristiano

Year 7 Level Leader