Junior Student Representative Council (JSRC)

Let's R.O.C.K!

From the JSRCs and school leaders

Hi, we’re the JSRCs and school leaders and recently we’ve been talking about creating a new school playground agreement and we collected data to help us. 


Recently, school leaders and two year 5s students have been attending a Student Voice Workshop. From this experience, we think that not enough people are familiar with our school playground rules. Therefore, we have created a new agreement.


We have come up with R.O.C.K (Responsible, Ownership, Caring, Keep-safe) to help everyone understand the school rules and no-one hurts anyone or themselves. 


The new school agreement is about to be launched and almost ready for 2020. We all think that this is a clear message from the students that this is what we need. It will make sure our school is safe and a positive place for everyone. It was a team effort with JSRC's from Years 2 to 6 contributing ideas and working with our Principal Sally, and teachers Anna-Marie and Jane to make a final group decision.


Thank you for reading and considering our new idea.