From the Classroom

Year 4 Numeracy

Year 4 have being doing a numeracy unit on Data. Students decided to collected data on topics that might help enact change in our community. They asked the other Year 4 classes and a few of 4D's students found the following:

Chelsea asked What topic do you care most strongly for; climate change, deforestation, pollution or melting ice?  Most Year 4 answered, climate change.


Summer asked, What would be the best change for our school? She offered; a No-Plastic policy, regular Open Classroom events, a swing set, or a cafeteria? The most popular response was to become a Plastic-Free school.


In relation to this, Amy asked whether we should be a Plastic-Free school and the majority of the Year 4 agreed that this would be a great idea.


Finally, Jennifer asked,  which would be the best new school rule? She gave the following options, Nude Food Wednesday, Meditation Friday, Clean-up Thursday, longer eating times. Clean -p Thursday was the clear winner.


These interesting and timely results were passed on to Sally, and our Junior Student Representative Committee representation, for review!