School Captains

From the School Captains
From Wednesday the 14th of February to the 16th of February, the Year 12s attended camp at PGL Campaspe Downs in Kyneton. Though it was difficult for some to spend Valentine’s Day on a 2-hour journey to Kyneton, all thoroughly enjoyed the experience of travelling to school camp for the very last time at Suzanne Cory. The three days spent at camp were a great way to spend time with the people we had made memories with in the past 3 years. A combination of various activities, combined with the beautiful nature that surrounded us and of course, our friends and teachers having fun due to all of this made camp a wonderful time for everyone involved. The timing of camp was perfect as it allowed us to refresh before re-commencing Year 12 and VCE but also gave us an opportunity to rekindle fracture relationships, build entirely new ones and prepare for the rest of the year knowing that the entire cohort had each other’s backs. Massive thank you to the 2017 SRC members for organizing the camp and to the Principal Team, Senior School and well-being leaders for making it happen.
- Davor, Karmil, Aamna & Janath
Congratulations to all School and House Captains for 2018! Lead with respect, compassion, and integrity!
Janath Fernando’s VCE Address (Excerpt)
"Year 12s. We are now embarking on our final schooling chapter. By pushing through that final barrier and ending that final stanza on a high note, we may have just about reached satisfaction. We’re all in this together. Once we know, that we are, we’re all stars, and we see that, we’re all in this together and it shows, when we stand, hand in hand, and our dreams come true. 225 students: all with various goals for the future. At first this might seem hard to achieve but by chipping away constantly as an individual throughout the year, all 225 of you can achieve that one goal which may seem so distant yet at the same time within your grasp. By the way, if everything doesn’t work out, Plan B is always there. Hakuna matata."
Aamna Syed's VCE Address (Excerpt)
"Sometimes in life guys, unexpected things happen, things you can't control and you just gotta persevere through it. Just like me recently. When I lost my lock ... Although it was my fault forgetting my key at home that ONE DAY, I did suffer because of it. But I didn't lose hope. I approached my situation with different methods ... The moral of the story is to not give up during these tough times. You win some, you lose some, but you don’t automatically straight away give in."
Davor Trifunov’s Middle School Address (Excerpt)
"Wow, I look up in this auditorium and I see everyone bright eyed and bushy tailed. Smiling and excited. In the Year 11 and 12 assembly, all I could see were sad faces who clearly hadn’t had enough sleep ... I joke about the stresses of VCE but the truth is, there is a lot of stress due to the pressure of wanting to do well and the thing about that is, is that that stress builds up ... The thing about that pressure is that we put it on ourselves. The thing I'll put a lot of emphasis on is to enjoy everything about school. It’s a wasted opportunity if you come to school not wanting to be here ... The moment you recognise that will be the moment that success will come naturally. Because you’ll love what you do and it is easier to do well when you enjoy what you do."
Karmil Nguyen’s Middle School Address (Excerpt)
"For a lot of us, we make new year’s resolutions, we set goals for the year ahead of us, and give ourselves a sense of fleeting motivation and self-reassurance. But then comes the point where we don’t meet those goals. We slip up and don’t go to the gym, or eat healthier, or pick up new habits or try the new things we said we would. Essentially, we fail, and once we do, it’s usually oh well better luck next year ... This year’s just started, but it’s going to fly by before you know it ... As years 9 and 10, there’s literally no better time to put yourself out there, to get to know the school, yourself, and your peers from all cohorts. The journey’s all trial and error, but you won’t know what you’re missing out on if you never give it a shot."