Policy & Parent News

School Wide Positive Behaviour at Suzanne Cory
At SCHS one of our main goals is to not only increase student academic performance but also to improve social behaviour and create a positive school culture. One of the ways we do this is through our use of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Framework. The school values that underpin what we do were formed by the implementation of this framework and have been embedded into the school community. The values of Respect, Aspiration and Contribution mean a great deal to both the staff and students at Suzanne Cory. Our behaviour expectations have been built around these values and are in the student planner, as well as on posters around the school to remind students of them.
This term we will see the explicit teaching and modeling of the ‘Behaviour Matrix’ through tutorial program and via all of the classroom teachers in the setting of expectations and routines in our lessons. The ‘Values Card’ has also been re-launched and students are thriving on the recognition of going above and beyond what is expected within our schooling community. The cards are to be given to students who demonstrate the core values through their actions. This may be an extraordinary demonstration or simply doing the right thing such as picking up papers without being asked, offering assistance, turning around their behaviour, improved punctuality or application to work, completing a piece of work above their usual standard etc. These cards also contribute to house points and puts students in the draw to win a prize at the relevant year level assembly. It is hoped that this will reinforce the idea that the House Competition goes beyond sport and extra-curricular areas although values can be awarded here as well.
If you would like further information about the framework feel free to contact the school and ask for Laura Ruddick.
CSEF Information
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:
- school camps or trips
- swimming and school-organised sport programs
- outdoor education programs
- excursions and incursions.
This $148 million initiative helps ensure all Victorian students can take part in school trips and sporting activities.
Applications for 2018 are now open, through until the end of term 2, 2018. For more information, click here.