Student Voice

South Oakleigh's College Captains

As college captains, our roles encompasses a range of responsibilities both within and outside our school community.


While an integral part of our position includes facilitating school-wide initiatives such as our annual Walkathon and Wellbeing Week, we’ve noticed that it’s the little things that can really make a difference.


Its usually  gestures that require not much effort that can go a long way. This may include taking time out of our day to sit with someone and work out a challenge they may be facing or asking how someone’s day is going. Even a smile when you see someone walk past you in the corridor can put someone in a better mood.


Values such as teamwork and respect are critical at South Oakleigh as they demonstrate our ability to form meaningful relationships.


Andrew Leap

Stacie Varsamidis

College Captains

International Student Voice, Agency & Partnerships Conference

Sunday 1 March was Clean Up Australia Day. Steve Dimopoulos, the Oakleigh MP kindly invited the college to his initiative to clean up Scotchmans Creek. Students of the leadership team were joined alongside Ms Koziaris and other members of the wider community to help preserve the nature and beauty of our land.


As a member of this community, it was disturbing to see that the carelessness of those around us can have such a major impact on the wildlife and the ecosystem in which they exist. However, this feeling of uneasiness was overthrown by the overwhelming sense of community as community members of all ages and backgrounds were working together on a beautiful Sunday morning to fight the battle against litter. This was an eye-opening experience as it highlighted the importance of preserving nature for the species that live within it and for future generations to come.


We encourage everyone to be mindful when disposing of rubbish and ensure that it stays where it belongs as it has detrimental effects on the environment when thrown carelessly on the ground.


Juliette Criticos

SRC Student Voice Leading Representative