HCC Features

Presentation Night 2019 

We have had a fantastic conclusion to our academic year with our annual College Presentation night on Wednesday at Kingston Townhall.


The night brings the whole Heatherton community together as we honour the achievements of all our students - the full list award winners are published below.


Congratulations to all of our student community as they have grown in their faith, character and academic skills through 2019.


Phil Eastman

Head of Campus


Presentation Night 2019 awards winners are as below:


Primary awards



Jeremy Yeap

Matilda Chan

Maddison Faure

Most Determined            

Hamish Kim


Yalena Zhang


Grade 1


Charlotte Prince              

Kirsten Khoo

Monica Miao

Grade 1 C Most Determined        

Joel Jang

Grade 1 N Most Determined       

Vincent Chhay

Grade 1 C Character       

Jayden Soliman

Grade 1 N Character      

Xavier Lo


Grade 2   


Abbie Nguyen   

Toby Chu

Levi Utley

Most Determined            

Priscilla Gonsalves


Eliya Andrews


Grade 3 


Abigail Lee

Charissa Zhang

Zachary Chuo

Grade 3 C Most Determined        

Heidi Burford

Grade 3 PD Most Determined     

Belen Aguilera

Grade 3 C Character       

Zoie Chuo

Grade 3 PD Character    

Joshua Nathaniel


Grade 4  


Nathan Haggai

Aly Chu

Evangeline Khoo

Most Determined            

Chelsea Daniel


Jasmine Prowd


Grade 5  


Nathan Barus

Caleb Chu

Megan Jansen

Most Determined            

Musu Taylu


Abigail Man


Grade 6  


Lilac Stoner

Hannah Pendala

Nethaya Fernando

Grade 6C Most Determined

Samuel Govender

Grade 6F Most Determined         

Michael Stadnik

Grade 6C Character        

Darius Karavias

Grade 6F Character        

Jonathan Rathbone


English                             Lilac Stoner

Mathematics                 Hannah Pendala

Integrated Studies      Lilac Stoner

Art                                      Jonathan Rathbone

Physical Education     Xanthe Davis

French                              Scarlet Whatley

Music                                Hannah Pendala

Technology                    Lilac Stoner


2020 Primary Captains & House Captains 2020

Joshua Utley, Megan Jansen, Samuel Woo, Joseph Yeap, Nathan Barus, Geith Pakwan


Primary/Secondary Awards

Lions Community Award              

Primary              Nethaya Fernando                        Secondary         Lual Chuol


Community Spirit Award              

Primary             Elijah Lian                      

Secondary       Nathan Raymond


Joshua Award     

(For overcoming a significant challenge in their schooling)

Primary                 Hannah Pendala

Secondary           Caitlyn Childs


Timothy Award  

(For displaying an outstanding Christian character)

Primary                 Nethaya Fernando

Secondary           Skyla Karis


House Shield Winner      


1. Carmel                                                                         

2. Zion                                                                             

3. Bethel                                                                         

4. Tabor        


1. Carmel                                                                                     2. Tabor                                                        

3. Bethel                                                       

4. Zion  

Last Day Term 4 (10/12) 2:00pm Dismissal

Reminder that Tuesday 10 December is our final student day - dismissal is at 2:00pm. The 2020 school year commences on Thursday 30 January for Primary students and Friday 31 January for Secondary students.

Landscaping Project

Some exciting news; Stage 2 of our master landscape plan will be completed over the summer break. Please see the plan below.

The work will include a granetic sand running track around the perimeter of the yard and in and out of the tree forest; timber bridges over a dry creek bed; a hand water pump attached to a large rock; four steel corten lawn terraces (on the large slope between our soccer fields); a new rock garden; and many tree plantings. The new landscaping will open a lot more natural play areas for the students. Construction will commence on 16 December and be finished in time for the beginning of the 2020 school year.


Peter Cliffe

Executive Principal

HCC Uniform Update

A few years ago now we made two adjustments to our uniform policy. The first adjustment was introducing a College logo as a feature on the pocket of the white short sleeve shirt for boys, rather than a simple plain white shirt. Secondly, new Primary and Secondary sports polo shirts in school colours for both boys and girl was introduced. 



We have allowed more than sufficient time for families to transition to these adjustments to our uniform policy.


From the beginning of 2020, we require all boys to come dressed for school in the updated school white shirt with the College logo on the pocket. Plain white shirts without the College logo are no longer permitted to be worn to school.


From the beginning of 2020, all students must also wear the school coloured (see picture above) polo shirt on sports days.


The old white sports polo is no longer permitted. We have also noticed that some families are purchasing non-logoed uniform items from other suppliers, such as Big W, trying to get a match to our uniform. Please note that this is not an acceptable practice. To keep our school uniform ‘uniform’ we require all families to purchase school uniforms from our uniform supplier. The uniforms purchased from our supplier are of high quality and should be long-lasting. Both shirts are available for purchase from our uniform supplier.


From the beginning of 2021, we will also require all Primary students to be dressed in the new updated College tracksuit on sports days as we phase out the older sports track pants and jumper. Thank you for your cooperation.


Peter Cliffe

Executive Principal

Thailand Mission Trip 2019

On Wednesday 20 November a team of 9 Year 12 students, along with Peter and Karen Cliffe, departed for Chiang Mai, Thailand for our annual Year 12 Mission trip. The trip is always planned to take place during ‘Schoolies Week’ immediately following the VCE exams. This trip was truly an amazing experience. I was so impressed with each of our students. The students entered in to each activity with great enthusiasm, passion, care, and willingness to serve.


We jammed as much as we could in to our ten-day stay. A big focus of the trip is serving children. Many of the children are in vulnerable situations. Highlights included helping with youth group and kids club; spending three days high up in the mountains in a remote village near the Burmese border teaching English at a local school; visiting an elephant rescue sanctuary, where we swam with the elephants; enjoying a thrilling zip wire ride through the rainforest; visiting our school-sponsored Compassion children; and visiting Destiny Rescue in Chiang Rai.


Our Secondary students have raised funds to support Destiny Rescue over the past few years. A highlight of each day for me was our daily group devotion, where each trip participant takes a turn each day to share. I was so touched hearing from each student about their testimonies of how God was working in their lives on the trip. I asked the students on the last day if they wanted to go home, a resounding ‘no’ was the answer. They all wanted to stay longer! Parents, may I strongly encourage you to plan for your child to attend this trip when they complete Year 12. The experiences the students share are truly unique, so impacting on their faith and create memories that will be life-long. 


Peter Cliffe

Executive Principal

2019 Thailand Mission trip  Reflection

I couldn't have made a better decision than to go on the Thailand Mission trip. I will always have fond memories that will last forever. Conversing with the Thai people and living with the different communities there would be a highlight of my experience, especially visiting the village in the mountains, not to mention the amazing food, wonderful nature and landscape (and prices there too)!


Visiting a third world country may not sound as glamorous as a trip to Europe, and choosing to do a mission trip with both Mr and Mrs Cliffe may not sound exciting, but having them both there was a privilege. Quickly getting to know our year level, Mr and Mrs Cliffe helped us to ensure we made the most out of our trip. Thanks to them we got to visit many amazing theme parks and venues and have a gracious amount of free time. The trip is planned really well and the variety of activities satisfied our touristy nature.


The trip is worth going to. It is worth seeing the contagious happiness that others have despite living in harsher conditions. It is encouraging to see God's hand in every person's life. It is a worthwhile journey with your childhood friends.


Joshua Vilar 

Prep Nativity

On Friday 22 November afternoon, the Prep students had the opportunity to perform their Nativity play in front of a live audience. They were very excited! Please check out the photos below.


Grade 5/6 Bike Ride 

The Grade 5/6 went on a bike ride on Friday, 29/11 and they rode for 30kms around Karkarook Park and Springers Leisure Centre.


Well done students and thank you to our parent helpers on the day, Andy Utley, Thomas Simko and Tony Jeftimov.


Quiche Lorraine - et Voilà

Year 7 students cooked up a storm this week and tried their hands at making a Quiche Lorraine!

Mmmm, mmm! Délicieux!


VCE Camp

On Monday 25 November through to Wednesday 27 November, Year 10 and 11 students attended a three-day camp at Christian Youth Camps Philip Island Adventure Resort. The program at the camp was a crucial and strategic time of planning for students to assist them to achieve their highest potential in their VCE. The camp also provided a time for relationship building with peers, mentor groups, staff and our Lord.


A wide range of activities and challenges were run during the camp, both relaxed (swimming, rope and harness activities, beach walks, surfing, etc) and focused (times of worship, prayer, devotions and listening to God). 


Thank you to all who contributed to making this a significant time for our 2020 VCE cohort.


Bevan Hung

Head of Senior School

Farewell Rob Ward

Rob Ward has recently ceased his marketing and communication role at HCC. Rob joined us about halfway through 2016 in this newly created role. We conducted a review of the way we market and promote the school during 2019, and have decided to move towards outsourcing the more specialized aspects of the marketing and communication role moving forward.


Rob will be greatly missed at HCC and we wish him all the best for the future.


Peter Cliffe

Executive Principal

Hosting Spiny Leaf Insects on School Holiday



Would you like to take our two Spiny Leaf Insects home during the school holidays?



We have a small tank for them to live in, and they only require fresh eucalyptus leaves once a week, plus a spray of water in the tank every couple of days.


If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me at sarah.bergen@hcc.vic.edu.au. Thank you.


Sarah Bergen

Lab Technician

The Staff of Heatherton Christian College wishes you and your family a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Entertainment Book

Give Santa a break, and give the Gift of Entertainment, guaranteed to please. The New Digital Gift Membership is instantly available, valid for 12 months from activation and helps support our fundraiser. Everyone wins, especially Santa! Check out the new 12 month digital memberships at our payment page here https://www.entertainment.com.au/orderbooks/189225m.