A word from our leaders

Parent Partnership Night

With a focus on relationships and community, we enjoyed a 'new look' Parent Partnership Night on Tuesday evening. Thank you to the many parents who attended to learn about the culture in each stage and how important our connection and partnership is with you.

Our approach to learning and well-being is all about a collaboration and this shone through. From the specialist teaching and leadership teams who greeted and served refreshments, to the classroom teachers who shared their vision for culture and community in each learning stage, we believe the new-look format shared this new focus.

As with any new approach, your feedback is welcome, as we reflect as a team on the PPN and how to do it even better in 2021!

We value thinking!

The language of thinking is rich and valued, a part of every learning space and conversation. Our teachers embed this thinking language in their practise. Here is a fabulous 'cheat sheet' for parents. I encourage you to print it and place it where you can focus on it, as you develop a thinking language at home. Let us know how you're going.

Karen Schoff

Director Learning Innovation

Some Special Chapel Times

This Friday

Our Foundation students will receive the gift of a Bible for sharing with family in the home.  Our students, young and old, reflect on this special day and gift with fondness.


All are welcome to our Friday 8.45am chapel services.  

Assisting Students to Self-Regulate – The Incredible 5-Point Scale

In the professional learning days at the beginning of the year staff were privileged to hear Jan Daly speak to staff regarding self-regulation and the “Incredible 5-Point Scale” developed by Kari Dunn Baron.

This is a tool to communicate, promote and assist self-regulation of emotions with no judgement.

The 5-Point Scale:

  • is a tool to help teach self-monitoring, self-management and self-regulation of emotions, thinking & behaviour
  • provides a common language
  • is easy for a child to identify & express emotions

The Five Point Scale is simple – students just ‘get it’. It is objective, there is no judgement.  This strategy is flexible and can be used as a whole class, with small groups and individually.

Possible uses include gauging what triggers impact the individual and to what degree, worry, anxiety, voice level, size of problems, understanding levels of emotions at a given moment.


As a school we will be using and teaching the 5-Point Scale to all students. Being able to understand self and regulate behaviour is a life-long skill. Using this scale, we have a simple and effective way to teach social rules and expectations, assist students in understanding  the behavioural responses of others, troubleshoot past and future scenarios, and create plans for self management.


Key Resource:

The Incredible 5-Point Scale by Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis


Bronwyn Holliday

Director Junior Primary

Learning Principles for parents!

This week we are up to number 3. How are you supporting our LP's in the home?

3. Learners are enabled to be resourceful, innovative and persistent and to use initiative.

Knowledge and Skills (What the parent will know and be able to do)

In learning environments that reflect this principle, the parents:

  • Seek out and respond to opportunities for learning as a supportive guide who encourages independent thinking, questioning and solution finding.
  • Are a learning role model who encourage effort, resourcefulness and innovative thinking.
  • Encourage conversation and play in the home.






Karen Schoff

Director Learning Innovation

Counselling Services

Hanelie Swart

Dip.Counselling, Bachelor Counselling (ACAP)

Member of Psychotherapy and Counselling Fedeation of Australia (PACFA)


Hanelie is again making herself available to the school community for student and/or parent counselling this year. She generously volunteers this time to our school, and will only be charging a $15 fee to cover professional costs per session (subsidised by Good Shepherd Church and School).

She will be working from her office in the church, and will be available  on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


This service is available to all families of our school and Hanelie can be contacted directly by emailing hanalie.swart@gmail.com 


Bronwyn Holliday

Director Junior Primary