Junior School News

Year 9 City Trips

During second term, the Year 9s  thoroughly enjoyed going into Melbourne each week and learning new things about our city. We visited the laneways and arcades, learning about which parts of our city are heritage protected. Noticing which parts of our city are older and which parts contain more modern architecture was fascinating. We also visited the Old Melbourne Gaol, learning more about the compelling history of Melbourne and seeing where Ned Kelly was killed. This was a slightly chilling experience, seeing the death masks and where people had been hung not too long ago. During the third week, we visited the Shrine of Remembrance, discovering fascinating details about WWI that were relevant to our term’s major CAT.

During the fourth week, we visited the gorgeous National Gallery of Victoria and took a small cruise down the Yarra River. This cruise taught us more about the most important areas of Melbourne. The following week, we were trusted to go off on our own. During the first half of the day, we made our way to the Eureka Skydeck, State Library, De Graves Street and the Exhibition Centre, checking in with teachers along the way. During the second half of the day, each small group trekked to various points in the city to complete their personal inquiries. We had each been tasked with acquiring a question which would require us to make our way to numerous points in the city and learn more. This would definitely be everyone’s highlight for the city trips, as these tasks provided us with independence and tasks which interested us. Next week, we’ll have the opportunity to experience going on the Melbourne Star and then learning how to ice skate. These city trips have each been exciting and have granted us opportunities to learn outside the classroom.

Year 9 Ask Me Expo

This the year Learning for Life program hosted the annual ‘Ask Me Expo.’ This is an exhibition where students showcase research they have conducted about a rich question they have devised that relates to War World 1. Year 7 and 8 students view the exhibition and learn about the history of World War I through interacting with their peers.


Student reflection

In the second half of term 2, the Year 9s have been working on a project called the Ask Me Expo. Our topic was about WW1, and we had to make a rich question out of it. After coming up with our rich question, we had to come up with 5-6 sub questions to present for our Ask Me Expo. Once we completed our research, we started to design our stalls, with our visual displays, dioramas, questions and backdrops. These stalls related to our rich inquiry question. We could be as creative as we wanted, using materials from school and from home. Some of us even made/bought ANZAC biscuits! On the day of our expo, we spent periods 1 & 2 setting our stall, making sure everything would work. Once the period 3 bell went, it was showtime! We spent both periods presenting our rich question and our 10 questions to the Year 7s and 8s. We all had unique stalls and different attractions that drew the student to their attention. After we finished, we were all proud of our work and how we managed to get through the two periods. Everyone enjoyed working on the expo and had lots of fun!

By Jenna H & Sophie B from 9B


Year 7 Youth Day

On June 18th it was youth day. The day was about celebrating no bullying, friendship and community. We started off the day by presenting our anti bullying campaigns, the winner being 7E. Then after recess we played some fun activities such as art, table tennis, games van and sport. We ended the day by having a barbecue and playing Year 7 sport. Overall, it was a great day.


By Jasmine Graham. 7I

House Competition

Towards the end of term 2,  all Year 7 students participated in a house competition afternoon to win vital points for their house. Students competed in a range of different activities both physical and academic. This included Rebus Puzzles, Basketball Shots, Famous Faces, Bean Bag Toss and M and M Chopstick Challenge. All students had a great afternoon and participated to the best of their ability. A big congratulations to Freeman House who won the afternoon and a cup of hot Milo and biscuit.


Year 7 House Competition Scores:

Freeman: 2363

Aston: 2210.5

Monash: 1849.5

Derrimut: 1826


Miss Mollie Riddle

House Competition Organiser

Hands on Learning

The Hands on Learning project this term is to rebuild the dilapidated stage outside the Year 7 centre.  Students are learning new skills such as measurement and square metreage.  They have worked out the initial cost of several materials and then submitted a proposal to the School Council where it was decided to go ahead with the project using jarrah.  Over the next weeks, students will start rebuilding learning woodwork and carpentry skills

Year 9 Learning 4 Life

So far term 3 of the Learning for Life program has been eventful with students focusing on future pathways and career counselling. During week 2 of term three the Year 9 cohort went on an excursion to Monash University in Clayton to look at our possible careers and pathways for the future. We started with a lecture about our futures, looking at work experience, job pathways and how to get there. This helped many of us by demonstrating which subjects will be required to reach our career goals in the future. To start building the type of career we were interested in we explored our strengths and interests in relation to a possible career. To hear personal experiences from the current Monash students gave us more of an insight that we wouldn’t have had before. Overall the day was a great stepping stone for the beginning of our futures.

By Claire Boyle, 9E.

Year 8 to Storm Boy

“My favourite part of the play was when Fingerbone shot the snake on purpose!”

“I loved the penguins; they were adorable!”


In July Year 8 students went into the city and watched Storm Boy the play. Not only did they experience the Melbourne Theatre Company’s brilliant acting but also the magic puppetry which brought the creatures to life. The puppets interacted with the actors in a controlled and focused way and inspired and devastated the audience. Lunch in the city was also a highlight! Special thanks to Mrs Mitchell and Miss Kloas for all their hard work organizing the day and giving all Year 8 students a rare opportunity to see a live performance.