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On The Other Hand October

‘This month is On The Other Hand October. The time of year when we celebrate the power that stories have to make us thoughtful.

We open a book and soon we're seeing the world through different eyes. Plunging deep into the thoughts and feelings of different characters. Experiencing the different ways people struggle to be happier. Every story reminds us that life is rarely as simple as it seems on the surface. Not just black and white, us and them, I'm right and you're wrong. Much more interesting than that. Much more important.

Stories are often journeys that characters make to arrive at the truths in their lives. A destination they'll never reach without being a bit thoughtful. And when we readers share those journeys, we also share the thinking and feeling that happens along the way.

A story gets stuck if the main character is only ever capable of seeing things one way. Characters don't like being stuck, and neither do readers. So we authors make sure that in a story there's always more than one choice available to the main character. More than one point of view. More than one way of seeing things.’


Accessed 16/10/18.

Some ‘thoughtful’ books to expand your mind...why not borrow one to read?