Health & Physical Education

WPSC PE Uniform

Thanks to all of our students who are wearing the correct PE uniform for all of the practical lessons. A lot of work was put in from staff and the school council to make changes to our PE uniform this year and the response has been generally good. However, with the colder months coming in, a reminder to parents and students what is suitable for PE uniform.

  • WPSC PE Polo Shirt (new one)
  • WPSC PE shorts navy blue (new ones)
  • School Jacket or Jumper (Polar Fleece, Rugby or Spray jacket)
  • Good running shoes/sneakers suitable for physical activity
  • Navy Blue Tracksuit Pants (Winter Option). Students don’t have to wear these but if they are going to wear pants, this is what’s expected.
  • Note – skins and leggings are not a part of the PE uniform. Also, alternate colour shorts are not a part of the uniform either. The shorts that are now part of the new uniform were selected based on comfort and practicality and are what students should be wearing


We thank you in supporting your child with the correct uniform for this semester.


PE staff