
This week in kitchen classes we have been curing olives, making green tomato chutney and making scones.


As the weather is cooling down and the days are getting shorter, there is less sun to ripen tomatoes. Any tomatoes left on bushes now are unlikely to ripen. Rather than waste those tomatoes, we turned them into a delicious chutney. Look out for it at our mini market next term.


Recently Imogen Gray’s (year 2) family generously donated 2 large buckets of olives to our kitchen. We have been investigating how remove the bitter taste by curing them. We have started this process by placing the washed olives into a brine solution. We will check back again next term to see how they are going.

Fun science fact - During the process we also discovered that salty water (brine) weighs more than the same volume of tap water.


As an end of term celebration, we enjoyed making and eating scones with jam.


See you next term!



We have had some fantastic weather this week - perfect for gardening. Grade 1 and 2 students were excited to take part in the last of their Garden activity rotations. The seed planting groups planted broad beans and spinach while the watering groups got busy watering. I worked with some hard working groups to shift soil and compost into our newly built garden beds. The most excitement however, was generated by the snail hunting groups who prevented a total of 94 snails from feasting on our plants - well done!