Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you for being so supportive of our wonderful school community. It was great to see so many of you at the cross country and colour run last Friday. When I see so many families here, it really does make me feel like we are one large family, working together for all the students. I was encouraged by our student leaders running with the younger students in their races. It does resonate how caring our students are of each other. A special thank you to Mrs Allen for organising such a successful afternoon of fun. Thank you also to the P&C for organising the colour powder and Mr Rowston for making the water tunnels!
School Review
Earlier this term, we had our 3 year public school review. I am very proud to announce that our improvement journey has been validated by the Deputy Director General and our next review is scheduled for 2024. Thank you to our School Board, members of the P&C and staff who participated in the review meetings. I can now share the report with our school community and encourage you all to take 5 minutes to read it. Please click here to read it.
Caring C tomorrow
Don't tell the kids...but it's a disco, games and icy pole reward! If you do not wish for your child to participate, please let the office know.
Anzac Event- Week 1 of Term 2
We would like to invite you and all our students to a special Anzac service and Community BBQ on Thursday 22 April commencing at 5.30pm (Thursday of week 1). We are asking that all students return to school with parents and carers to attend the service, before staying to enjoy a sausage sizzle. More specific information will be provided at the beginning of next term.
Safe Holidays
I hope you have a safe and relaxing break with your children over the next two weeks. I will be looking to try and get away for a few days to unwind. The Term 2 Planner is included with this newsletter. I'll see you all well rested and ready to continue your learning on Monday 19 April.
Taylor Webb