
As the cold weather kicks in and the daylight is reducing, it can be easy for us to get in the ‘winter rut’. 

It is really important for our students and families to continue to focus on their wellbeing and spend the time looking after this. 

This term, in Respectful Relationships, our students are focusing on personal strengths and how they can be used to overcome various challenges. 

The following is a list of some of the personal strengths we can have:

Hope and OptimismHumourFairnessDetermination
TrustworthinessGenerosity CompassionEnthusiasm

The great thing is that all these strengths can be worked on and practised on a daily basis. 

As we continue to face challenges, these personal strengths can support us.



Instead of asking the question, ‘How was your day?’ and getting the same response of ‘Good,’ 

Take this opportunity to do the following questions with your child/ren:

What was something you did well today?

What was the biggest win you had today?

What did you learn about yourself and others?

What are two things you are grateful for after today?

What are you most looking forward to about tomorrow?

How did you make someone else’s day better with an action or a gesture?


Simply by changing our questions, we can change our thinking to focus on the positive things that occurred in our day. Give it a try and model the answers yourself. 


Michael Searl