WELC Report

Message from the Acting WELC Coordinator -
Ms Debby Morgan
Most of the current WELC students are returning students who are preparing to graduate at the end of this term. We continue to offer a mix of online and in-person lessons. We currently have students from China, Vietnam and Thailand studying in our Language Centre. Despite being in different countries and cities, students are developing strong friendships. Some students from Vietnam and Australia play games together in their free time. Other students went on a trip together in China during the holidays. We can’t wait until the borders open and we can all meet in person!
During Term 1, students took Cooking as an elective. Students enjoyed trying out different foods and taking it home to share with their families. This term, students have been doing Art as their elective. Some of their work is shown in the pictures attached.
In Week 6, on 25 May we will hold Parent-Teacher interviews. This is a great opportunity for students, parents and teachers to discuss the progress and future actions for each student. Families and schools will also be provided with a Progress Report at this time.
We have 6 more weeks of term. Students are completing transition classes and getting ready to study at their mainstream high school. We encourage all students to use their remaining time well by doing all their classwork and homework, reviewing regularly, and, as always, asking for help. We hope the rest of the term goes well for all students and that they continue to enjoy their time at the Language Centre!