
Sue McLaren

Positive Behaviour Expectations

‘Student Behaviour Expectations’ matrix

Our ‘Student Behaviour Expectations’ matrix was updated this year, following feedback from our teachers. This matrix outlines the behaviour we expect for each of our school values in different settings of the school. These expectations and the matrix are explicitly taught throughout every year level of the school and regularly referred to throughout our school day. 


Students are positively acknowledged when they demonstrate the school values from this matrix.  Our ‘Pupil of the Week’ certificates are used to celebrate our values in the classroom. These have been redesigned this year to include a colourful border highlighting our 5 school values. Each week a different value is celebrated and teachers and students decide who has demonstrated this value in their classroom.   


Our ‘Values Trees’ are awarded to students demonstrating our values in the school ground setting. Last term over 420 students were acknowledged with a ‘Values’ leaf. This is fantastic in one term! The Year 5 students were amazing and were awarded the most leaves in Term 1. They are now busy deciding on the celebration they would like to have to acknowledge this wonderful effort. 


If your child comes home wearing one of our Values stickers, celebrate with them because they have been spotted displaying one of our school values. 😊