Term 2 Dates and Events

'Our Lady of Fatima is a small, diverse, community driven school, located on Bunurong land and underpinned with strong wellbeing philosophies.'


Thu 01 April  -   Holy Thursday Special Holy Week Assembly, Easter raffle draw

Thu 01 April - Term 1 Concludes 3.30pm. Last day of school for students and staff. 

Fri 02 April - Good Friday and first day of Term 1 Holidays


Mon 19 April  -   Staff Conference Day No students. After school care program will be available subject to bookings.

Monday April 19th
Monday April 19th

Tue 20 April  -   Term 2 Commences for all students

Fri 23rd April  - Confirmation @ 7:00pm in our Church

Sun 25 April  -   ANZAC Day

Fri 30 April - Cross country

Sun 02 May - 9.00am and 5.00pm Reconciliation and Eucharist Presentation Mass 1

Mon 03 May - School review commences

Thurs 06 May  -  Mother’s Day Stall (Community in Action Group)

Thurs 6 May - Reconciliation family workshop 7pm

Sun 09 May - 9.00am and 5.00pm Reconciliation and Eucharist Presentation Mass 2

Fri 07 May  -  Mothers Day Breakfast 8.15am and Mass 9.30am

Thurs 20 May - Eucharist family workshop 7pm

Thursday 27 May - Year 3 and 4 Sacrament of Reconciliation 7pm in the Church

Sun 30 May - Year 5 Eucharist Celebration Mass 5.00pm

Sun 06 June - Year 4 Eucharist Celebration Mass 5.00pm

Tues 11 May  –  Friday  14 May  -  NAPLAN

Mon 14 June   -   Queen’s Birthday Holiday

Mon 21 June  -  Reports go home

Fri 25 June   -    Term 2 Concludes @ 3:30pm