Important Announcements

'Dream, Believe, Achieve in 2021'

We are open for Enrolments for 2022

If you have a Kinder aged child ready to start school in 2022 who turns 5 by April 30 2022, please collect an enrolment pack from the office. We have invited many new families into our school this week for tours.

Our brand new Parent Handbook/Prospectus for 2021/22

We proudly share our new handbook which will go into our enrolment packs and on our website. We hope that it provides the best information about all our school has to offer families.

2021 Parent Handbook

Photography in our school

Parents should be aware that it is forbidden to take photos of students; or record videos of students while they are visiting Our Lady of Fatima, as some parents prefer that their child or children should not appear in photographs or videos. This includes all school based events such as excursions, incursions, celebration days, and sports days, whether at school or off-site.

Our teachers and staff are aware of students who do not have permission to appear in photos or videos, and they are permitted to take photos and videos of children whose parents have provided the relevant permissions. You can always find a good range of photos of all events and occasions in our socials and in our newsletter and weekly updates.

Every Day Counts

Each day of school missed makes a difference, with the effect on learning accumulating over time. From an early age, if children are taught that they need to 'show up' for school and make a commitment, this positive mentality aids academic and career success and brings benefits in adulthood. 


If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the school office on 5950 0400 by 9.00am. Alternatively, you can email the school to notify of your child's absence at or complete an absentee form in the Skoolbag app. If we do not receive notification of an absence by 9.30am we are required under regulations to message you at home or work to follow up the absence. Please notify the school of all absences. Please note that prolonged absences without notification will be followed up. Many days absent from school do impact on student learning and programs designed to support students. 


Thank you to everyone who has enrolled in Operoo (formally CareMonkey) all ready for operation starting from Term 2.  This will be the online space where permission forms, emergency contacts and medical updates will be sent out to parents.  All Catholic schools are currently in the process of switching to online portals to manage permissions, enable more efficient communication and management of student safety/health requirements and to reduce paper and collection of multiple permissions slips.

Community in Action Group

Thank you to our community in action group for kindly buying the new bench seating that will be installed outside the 5/6 rooms. Thank you to our students leaders for organising these seats.

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