Wellbeing and Engagement 

Fearless Girls! Strong Women!

A video update from our Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement.

Kilbreda is blessed to have over 900 amazing girls gift our College community a wonderful array of talents. 


Here is a snapshot of some of our girls:


Gabrielle Smyth 

Year 9

  • I attended St Patrick’s Primary School, Mentone.
  • My favourite subject is probably Science because I really enjoy learning about the different aspects of Science, but mostly Biology based topics.
  • In Term 2, I am most looking forward to being an SRC Leader because I am excited to take on the responsibility that SRC entails and I am excited to learn more about what I have to do.
  • A moment when I have experienced a sense of wonder was when my family and I went up the Eiffel Tower. The view was absolutely incredible, and it was really wonderful to be given the amazing opportunity to be there.
  • An inspirational person in my life is my dad. He has taught me that if you have the right mindset and believe that you can accomplish things, you will be able to.
  • My hopes for the future are that the world will be a safe place for travelling again.

Madison Gatt 

Year 11

  • I attended Aspendale Primary School.
  • My favourite subject at school is Health and Human Development. I enjoy studying Health because I feel as though I can relate the subject to my own life and I feel as though I can gain knowledge about current health issues that are troubling our community.
  • In Term 2, I am most looking forward to embarking on the Central Australia Trip. I am thrilled to be going on this trip so I can learn more wonderful and interesting things about our country and develop a stronger connection to the land I live on.
  • An inspirational person in my life is my mum. My mum is a constant support in my life and has taught me to work hard as my goals are always achievable with hard work and perseverance. Mum is continuously reminding me of my worth and teaching me to speak up and voice my opinion when I feel as though something is not right or unjust. Most importantly mum has taught me the value of happiness; she has illuminated the significance of being happy and how happiness and positivity can reflect in all aspects of my life.
  • Another Inspirational person in my life is my dad. Just like my mum, he strives for success in his daily life, which has inspired me to aim high and reach for the stars. Dad constantly teaches me the importance of being my own person and expresses the greatness of individuality! He has taught me to celebrate the differences which we all have and embrace the uniqueness of everyone I meet!
  • My hopes for the future are to study Health and Nutrition and become a dietitian! I would love to ensure that individuals gain the knowledge to understand the benefit of having a healthy and balanced diet. Most importantly I hope that I am working in an occupation that I love or studying a subject that interests me.

Pippa White 

Year 12


  • I attended Stella Maris Primary School, Beaumaris.
  • Physical Education is my favourite subject at the moment. This is because I find the content can easily apply to everyday life. Also, because the environment created by my teacher and my peers in the class is supportive and encouraging and this helps me to achieve my best.
  • I am looking forward to getting even closer with my Year 12 cohort in Term 2, as well as my subject teachers. This is so we can all enjoy our last year of schooling in a safe and happy space. I also am excited to work collaboratively with the Health and Wellbeing team to develop and brainstorm new ideas for the year.
  • When I was given my leadership position for Health and Wellbeing, was a moment that created a great sense of wonder. It sparked curiosity with all the opportunities that I could create within the College to help improve the wellbeing of the College community.
  • My younger sister is one of the many inspiring people in my life. She never fails to make me smile when I am down and motivates me to achieve all my dreams and aspirations. A life lesson she has taught me is to know my self-worth. This has increased my strength and confidence, two things that I admire within her.
  • In the future my dreams are to go to university and study a course I am passionate about, a possible pathway being midwifery and nursing. I plan to travel the world and hope to partake in international aid work within the near future.

Attendance - Every Day Counts

Student attendance is one indicator that we can use to monitor student engagement and belonging at school. At the College, we work in partnership with you to ensure the best outcomes for your daughter’s education. Regular school attendance supports optimal learning and allows your daughter to maintain friendships and remain connected to school. 


A student cannot do as well if they are missing out on the face-to-face teaching time that other students are receiving. Both parents and students do at times think that it is OK to miss a day. Many things can be blamed, sometimes rightly so. However, at other times, it may not be the best decision. We know that if a student misses one day per fortnight, this equates to 20 days a year, or four weeks of school, which very quickly adds up. 


The more a student is away, the more disconnected they become from their peers. This builds anxiety, which is the main cause of school refusal developing. Keeping on going to school, unless there is an unavoidable, good reason, is vital for student’s wellbeing. 


The attached charts demonstrate clearly what a slippery slope the attitude ‘one day won’t matter’ is. Remember - Every Day Counts.

Stephanie Smyth

Assistant Principal: 

Wellbeing and Engagement