
Following investigations during 2020 the Library has moved to an all new library catalogue called 'Oliver'.


Our old catalogue worked well enough, but it had not moved with the times. Its layout was boring and it did not engage students who have become used to the kind of layout you get in modern websites. This is approximately what students saw when they first logged in to the old system:

You can see an immediate improvement with the new front page of 'Oliver'!  The different recommendations below scroll across the page and you can click on any one of them to see more information.  Items with a green tick mean that they are on the shelves, the ones with a red x mean they our out on loan. However, students can place a reservation on them from their own screen! There is so much more to explore  and we will unpack more features in future news briefs.


You can find out more about our new catalogue (which we are still tweaking) by looking at this document supplied by the creators of 'Oliver' HERE. 


Note that the document says “Your librarian, learning resource manager or teacher will give you your login details for Oliver. If you’re unsure what they are, they’ll be happy to help.”  We are working on a true 'single sign on' option – but the default, if asked for, will be students usual College login details – i.e., what they use to log in to your computer each day at school.


Oliver can be accessed without a login. However, logging in will give students more useful features like recommendations just for them.


Students can make book reviews, which will then be authorised by a library staff member, and which may then be read by other students. A nice, collaborative feature!


Angus Pearson

Library Coordinator

Parent Book Club

Do you love Reading? 

Would you like to be part of a Book Club? 

Do you want to know what is trending in Young Adult literature? 

Can you spare one night per term? 


If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, come and join the Parent Book Club. 


This book club provides an opportunity for the adults in our community to get together over a drink and some nibbles; to read, talk about books and learn what it is that our teenagers are reading. 


In 2021, our first meeting will be:

Wednesday 12 May

6.30pm to 8.00pm in the Library.


The subsequent dates will be: 

Wednesday 4 August (Term Three) 

6.30pm to 8.00pm 

Wednesday 27 October (Term Four) 

6.30pm to 8.00pm 


What a great way to get to know others who are part of our College community!


To express your interest or if you have any questions, please contact me, Yvonne Langford, Teacher Librarian on 


Yvonne Langford

Teacher Librarian