Middle School Report  

Welcome back to Middle School students, families and teachers. We hope that you all enjoyed your Easter holidays and the well-earned break. Students in both Year 9 and Year 10 have started the preparation for their end of semester tests and exams, and in the assemblies run on Tuesday 27 April, students were provided with revision strategies to support the development of comprehensive notes and summaries of their learning.


Middle School Events


The annual Business and Community partnerships breakfast took place on Wednesday 28 April. It was organised by the Year 10 Peer Mentors, Ms Lynda Vo and Mr Adrian McCall, members of the local business community attended a breakfast to meet with the student representatives and talk about the opportunities for their involvement in the school’s programs over the course of the year. Thanks to Mr Craig George, ABCN Regional Manager, for speaking at the breakfast, the St Albans Secondary College Alumni who attended, and to the Year 12 VCAL students who worked with Ms Cassar to cater the event. 


Work experience starts for Year 10 students on Thursday 10 June for six days.  Any student who has not yet confirmed a work placement and completed the necessary OHS modules must see a member of the careers team for support. 


Finally, a reminder to students and parents about school uniform now that the colder weather has arrived.  Students are not permitted to wear non-school uniform jumpers, fleeces, or hoodies under their school jackets; a school uniform jumper must be worn.  Hats must not be worn inside the school building, and scarves must be the school scarf in black or white.  Thank you for your support in ensuring our students are dressed smartly for school each day.


Key Dates


Thursday 30 May - Friday 7 June

Year 10 Semester Exams – timetables will be provided to students and will also available for the collection from the Middle School Office


Monday 31 May - Wednesday 2 June

Year 9 Semester Tests – to take place in English/EAL, Maths, Science, Humanities and LOTE

Class teachers will confirm the test schedule with students.


Monday 7 June - Wednesday 9 June                  

Year 10 students will be involved in a number of programs and events including African drumming, resilience projects, and a presentation from a guest speaker. 




Becky Annetts

Middle Sub School Leader