From the Principal Class Team

Brimbank Young Researchers Project

On Thursday 29 April a group of students took part in the first session of the Brimbank Young Researchers Project.  The project is delivered in partnership between Brimbank City Council’s Youth Services team and Swinburne University. Running throughout 2021, the program equips secondary aged students, from Year 7 to Year 12, with qualitative research skills that they apply as a group to a key issue of concern to young people. Those findings and recommendations are presented to Brimbank Councillors and Mayor, as well as School Leadership Teams, enhancing student voice, agency and capabilities.  


The program also prepares students with the skills they will need as they progress through secondary schooling and into tertiary education. There is provision of direct, ongoing contact with Swinburne academics.  This provides the student participants an insight into the world of university, the skills that they’ll need to be flexible and creative in their approaches to problem solving, a positive experience of influencing change, and the processes of adult decision-makers. 


We look forward to seeing the creativity of our young people and working with them as they complete their research project and present it to the Brimbank Council. 



In 2021 Year 7 and 9 students will again be sitting their NAPLAN tests on May 11, 12 and 13. Areas to be tested are Language Conventions (spelling and grammar), Writing, Reading and Numeracy. Students who show high growth will receive a signed certificate from the State government.


Further information, including pamphlets in many languages, is available on Compass.


Progress Reports

Term 2 progress reports are coming up soon for Year 7 to 11 students.


They will be available to parents on Friday 28 May. When they are released, please read them carefully and discuss them with your child. Please contact the relevant Year level Coordinator if you have any questions.


Year 9, 10 and 11 Semester Exams

Year 9 Semester tests commence on Monday 31 May. Students will sit their tests, and attend normal classes where there is no test scheduled.


Year 10 and 11 Semester exams commence on Thursday 27 May, students will be required to attend only for their scheduled tests, in full school uniform.


Exam and tests timetables for all year levels will be available on Compass.


These exams and tests form an important part of our assessment processes, and support students as they transition towards VCE and VCAL.