All families must have SimonEverwhere/PAM installed to recieve relevant notifications and updates.

Aspire not to have more, but to be more - Saint Oscar Romero     


Dear Families,


You are invited to our Open Afternoon on Tuesday, 27th April 2.30-4.30pm.   Please share the news with any friends who may be considering St Laurence's in 2022. They are welcome to come along and see all of what St Laurence's has to offer.  Have the opportunity to explore the school grounds, talk to our expert teaching staff and ask questions.  We can't wait to see you and to meet prospective future families.


Are you struggling to support your young child or teenager with anxiety?

Catholic School Parents Victoria invites parents of children in Catholic primary and secondary schools to access a free Webinar to assist parents of children with anxiety on Saturday 24th April, 10:30am-12pm.  This free 90 minute Webinar will provide you with strategies to know how to respond, how you can help, when to seek professional help and much more.   Webinar speaker is Dr Jodi Richardson who is the co-author of the best-selling book, Anxious Kids and is a regular media commentator on issues related to anxiety, wellbeing and parenting.


Click here to register now

Family Holidays

A reminder to families that you must inform the school of any holidays that are being taken during school time.  It is a legal requirement in terms of school documentation.  Please contact Liz for a holiday request form on  

Unfortunately, should the required process not be followed,  your child's leave from school will be unapproved.  Please keep in mind that this is legal requirement for families and for the school.  Please refer to the School Information page of this newsletter for further information.


If parents, guardians or carers are feeling unwell and are undergoing testing for COVID‑19, all children of the parent, guardian or carer who attend any of the schools should remain absent from their school until the parent, guardian or carer receives a negative test result.


This advice also applies to students who are unwell and are undergoing testing for COVID‑19 and have siblings who attend a DOSCEL school. The siblings (that may not be displaying any symptoms) should also remain at home until a negative test result is provided for the student awaiting a test result.


God of the Dreaming, you show yourself to us in dreamers,

seers, and prophets.

We thank you for all those who, like Mary MacKillop, 

have helped us to see the possibilities for our 

country and its people.

As we struggle to realise our dreams for a just,

compassionate world, may we witness to our world the

true meaning of fair play and care for the oppressed.

Help us to uphold the importance of spiritual realities.

We pray that we will cherish particularly, the gifts of the

indigenous peoples of our lands, 

and those new to our shores.

Teach us that, in the richness and strength of our diversity,

lie our possibilities for becoming one.
