From the Principal

Open Day / Night
It has been wonderful to have prospective parents and students at GEC. The contribution by our students across the college was outstanding. It is no surprise that the feedback from our visitors in regards to our students was glowing. It was a wonderful team effort - our staff, students and parents were passionate and committed in showing the community what a wonderful school we have here at Glen Eira College.
Our Languages tour the day before allowed parents particularly interested in our Language programs an opportunity to see these classes in action.
Special thanks to Year 7 students Martin, Lucas and Maya and school captains Joseph and Aimee who spoke so beautifully at the formal presentation. Subject areas provided lots of opportunities for our visitors to participate in a wide range of learning activities. Our staff worked incredibly hard to ensure parents were well informed and that there were plenty of activities for the primary school students to get involved in. I am very proud of the vast number of students who participated in the evening, speaking with prospective parents and students so eloquently – fantastic ambassadors each and every one.
ANZAC Day Commemorations
The ANZAC Day Commemorations at Glen Eira College were truly fitting. You will read a report in this newsletter. Thank you to John Tserkezidis and Aaron Petersen for coordinating the assembly. Our speaker, Warrant officer Nicolle Morgan, spoke of the wonderful work the armed forces have done over the last few years.
Year 9 NAPLAN Certificates of Achievement
A new feature of the NAPLAN assessment is being launched this year, with the award of Year 9 Certificates of Achievement.
The new certificates aim to celebrate and recognise the importance of both excellence and learning growth.
Beginning in 2021, Year 9 students who achieve outstanding results or who significantly improve their results in NAPLAN tests will receive a NAPLAN Certificate of Achievement.
The certificates will be awarded for two categories of achievement:
- Category one: the achievement of excellence through getting a result in the top band for reading or numeracy, or both.
- Category two: the achievement of outstanding learning growth through improving by two or more bands between the NAPLAN Year 7 and Year 9 tests for reading or numeracy, or both.
For more information about the new certificate and measures for learning growth, refer to Year 9 NAPLAN certificates of achievement on the Department’s website.
Parent Education Sessions
As part of GEC's commitment to supporting our students through their learning, we recognise the important role that families can play to ensure that support continues at home.
We have booked Susan McLean to present an educational & entertaining session for Parents and carers workshop on cyber safety.
Save the Date: Monday 16th August 2021at 7pm
Susan is Australia’s foremost expert in the area of cyber safety and young people. She was the first Victorian Police Officer appointed to a position involving cyber safety and young people.
Her knowledge is unparalleled and leaves audiences shocked at the reality of the online world. It is a wake-up call to even the most switched on parent and is delivered with Susan's famous 'no nonsense' approach. The session will cover the positive benefits of technology as well as what parents need to be aware of:
- Cyberspace 101. The reality of the online world. It’s not a matter of if – rather than when.
- What are kids doing online? Learn the latest apps and platforms your kids are either on, want to be on or are being told about at school. TikTok, Omegle, House Party & more.
- Online Grooming. What is it and when/how does it occur? What are the warning signs & what to do if you suspect this is happening to your child.
- Cyberbullying. What it is, where it happens, what it looks like, how to prevent and what to do if it occurs. Also the legal consequences and the possible criminal charges.
- Sharing Nudes. The taking and sending of explicit images. The social and emotional consequences as well as the Law.
- Problematic Gaming. How to manage digital devices in your home to avoid problems and what to do if/when they arise.
- Exposure to damaging content. Including online pornography & sites that encourage suicide, self harm & eating disorders.
- Top Tips– how to assist the children in your care to stay safe online with rules, parental controls and restriction passcodes.
- The session will conclude with time for questions.
Please find below resources from our term 1 presenter, Andrew Fuller.
City of Stonnington are holding a free webinar for parents: Manhood, Dads and Me.
Explore the latest “Manbox Research” on men and boys. Learn Practical Tips to support children to enjoy healthy, respectful relationships.
Presented by Paul Zappa and Edwina Awudu from Jesuit Social Services
Register Here.
When: Tuesday 4th 7 - 8.30pm
More information on the flyer attached.
New Staff
I am delighted to welcome the following new staff this term
- Catherine Alessandrello – Maths tutor / Science teacher
- Joanna Jones - French teacher
- Sumita Mathew – Maths / Science teacher
- Katy Louden - Alumni Co-ordinator
- Lyn Jenkin - Mental Health Practitioner
Dare I say it - we will have the handover of our new oval in a week!
Rehearsals are well underway for this year’s production, Freaky Friday. Over 100 students are involved on stage and back stage / off stage, ensuring there is a role for everyone who wants to take part. Make sure you save the dates – performances are on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th June 2021.
If you have any wonderings, concerns or feedback, please do not hesitate to call me at the school to talk or arrange a time to meet.
Sheereen Kindler