Science News

Glen Eira College has been fortunate to have been offered the opportunity to trial Virtual Reality programs designed by Mindflight7. Mndflight7 is an organisation providing students the chance to explore their future careers through ground breaking immersive virtual reality technology. It is specifically designed to help students with making decisions about career choices in the area of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). . Our Year 7, 9 and some Year 10 students plus staff were able to try the following Virtual Reality experiences:
- Flying and walking outside the International Space Station
- Completing a Frog Dissection
- Undertaking Open Heart Surgery
- Cataclysmic Earth
Some of the comments from students after trying the Virtual Reality were:
“I would love to do this again. I have not tried Virtual Reality before and it was a great experience.”
“I felt excited to do Virtual Reality and using it felt so real.”
“I felt as though as I was there doing the frog dissection, heart dissection and walking on the International Space Station.”
Glen Eira College would like to extend a big thank you to Mindflight7 for providing the Virtual Reality experience to our students.
Elizabeth Allan
Head of Science