Careers Corner

Year 11 & Year 12
Our Year 11 and Year 12 students went on an excursion to the VCE and Careers Expo at Caulfield Racecourse on Friday 30th April. It was a great day, and it was good to see so many of our students taking the time to engage with different Universities, TAFEs, private institutes, and employers to discuss their future careers and educational pathways. Students also had the opportunity to attend seminars related to their VCE studies and exam preparation, as well as discussions related to their future career paths.
Students who attended on the day provided some very positive feedback about their experience at the expo and many had the opportunity win prizes and take home very useful information and booklets.
Work Experience
We are giving our Year 10 students the opportunity to participate in Work Experience between 4th - 8th October 2021, which is the first week of Term 4. Due to the many changes that COVID has had on a variety of industries and workplaces, it may be a bit more difficult for our students to secure work experience placements this year.
I want to reach out to our wonderful school network to see if there are any parents or guardians that own or work for a company that would be open to taking on Year 10 students who are interested in participating in work experience this year. If you are aware of any suitable opportunities that might suit our Year 10 students, please feel free to call me at the school, or alternatively you can email me at
GEC Career and Pathways Website
Glen Eira College has its own Careers Website, which I encourage both parents and students to visit to gain further information about post school opportunities, work experience, VTAC, apprenticeships etc, as well as useful links for parents to help their students with career planning and career conversations.
Students are even able to create an account within the ‘Student Secure Area’ where they can create Career Action Plans, conduct Career Personality and Interest Tests, as well as get assistance in creating a resume and cover letter.
To view the Glen Eira College Careers page, or you can either access it through the GEC website by selecting ‘Careers and Pathways’ under the ‘Teaching and Learning’ tab, or here.
Heather Palm
Careers & Pathways Coordinator