From staff and the Office 

please contact Annie on 9876 3289 if you have any questions

Term 2 is Muddy
Term 2 is Muddy


Although on wet weather days, ( rain or storms) we keep the students inside, the grounds get muddy through the high foot traffic areas.

Please pack a spare uniform, pair of pants, or socks into your students bag if possible.





We have ANZAC day badges for sale at the office to support our Ringwood RSL. 



Upcoming Events for parent attention


Please check the Save the Date page in the newsletter, and your child's Compass page.

Just a reminder that we do not send home paper copies of forms - consent and payments are online through Compass.


Grade 1/2 have a Melbourne Zoo excursion that needs to be consented and paid for on Compass. 


Interschool sports is now on a Friday afternoon, between 1-3 pm. The games start on week 3, Friday May 7.


Emergency contacts


Please help us stay connected by ensuring we have your correct contact details.

You can email the school office at

with your new details, or if you have any changes or questions regarding Compass.

These details will also ensure that you receive updates from Compass.


Absences, early and late arrivals


These must be entered on Compass prior to the event.

Please come to the office for an early leaving or late pass. Students must be walked to class.