College matters 


Bob Stewart Mentone has advised they will be closed for an Easter break - Friday 2 April to Monday 5 April and reopen on Tuesday 6 April. As of Friday 9 April they will be opening on Fridays from 8.30-5pm. 


New trading hours will be: Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5pm, Saturday 9.30am - 12.30pm


The PFA run second-hand uniform shop is closed over the school holidays and resumes usual hours in week 1 of term 2: Tuesday 3.15 to 4.15pm and Friday 8.15 to 9.15am during school term. 

Information Night - Wednesday 21 April 

Our annual Open Night will be an Information Night at 7pm, Wednesday 21 April in the gym. There will be presentations from staff with some students involved. In place of the entire campus being open, extra College Tours have been added for early in term 2.  


If our school community know of families interested in joining MGSC at year 7 in 2022 or beyond, please encourage them to attend the information night and book a college tour.  


Applications for the Enhancement Program for year 7 in 2022 are now open. 


The school website has links to register for the information evening and book a tour plus all the relevant information about the Enhancement Program. 


Carol Duggan

Assistant Principal