WELC Report
Message from the WELC Coordinator
- Mrs. Carmela Santucci
Developing and maintaining a safe and positive learning environment promotes a sense of belonging and in the Language Centre our priority is always that each individual feels they are a valued member of our community. We promote this sense of belonging through our communication, our instruction and various activities.
This term there have been many opportunities for students to collaborate, share, lead and be challenged - with the focus always being on inclusiveness and participation. One such event was at the Athletics Carnival. For some students, it was the first time they had tried some of the sporting events or even attended an athletics day. It was wonderful to see so many of them “having a go”.
Our City Experience Program continued this term with a visit to the Old Melbourne Gaol, Hosier Lane and Federation Square. Our tour guides at the Old Melbourne Gaol were very informative and the students were able to answer questions on their worksheets based on the guided talk and tour. There was also an opportunity for reflection regarding the crimes people were sent to gaol for and the living conditions within the gaol. Students were shocked to learn a three year old boy was sent to gaol!
The walk to Hosier Lane always ends with surprise. As students turned the corner into Hosier Lane, they were confronted with powerful images and a contrast in experience to the Old Melbourne Gaol. The graffiti on the walls is ever changing and really denotes this location as a special place. Each time we visit Hosier Lane there is a crowd of visitors - both local and overseas visitors. This Melbourne attraction is a favourite with our students.
Ms. Carmela Santucci
Literacy and Numeracy week in WELC
As part of Literacy and Numeracy week, students in the Language Centre participated in a variety of individual and group activities. Literacy activities included a word block challenge, trivia questions and unjumbling words. Numeracy challenges included putting triangles of different sizes together to form a square, using the numbers 1 to 9 to make three true sums of numbers that are divisible by three, and other problem solving tasks.
Students had a lot of fun working together to complete the tasks. At the end of the activities, prizes were awarded to individuals and groups for successfully completing the tasks.
Ms. Debby Morgan
WELC Teacher